With all this talk about selling existing Kingdom Halls and robbing the congregations of savings accounts. Massive relocation of headquarters selling over a billion in prime real estate, gobbling up property and getting all the free labor they can from the rank and file slaves to fix up these properties and donate more and more money to cover the cost.
It looks like they are in the process of some type cannibalization of its self in an effort of self preservation.
Are we on the cusps of a giant fire sale as the lawsuits pile up and build pressure I suspect things will get far worse leaving many congregations Kingdom Halless and traveling greater distances just to make a meeting every once and a while when they have enough gas money.
With a royal charities commission inquiry into inappropriate conduct of the WT corporation and loss of charity status and the eventual loss of such operational status in one country after another things are looking very bleak for this end of the world Jehovah scam cult with it 1914,1975,2000, expiration dates long past.