Is The Watchtower Corporation Getting Ready For A Huge International Fire Sale?

by Brokeback Watchtower 15 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    With all this talk about selling existing Kingdom Halls and robbing the congregations of savings accounts. Massive relocation of headquarters selling over a billion in prime real estate, gobbling up property and getting all the free labor they can from the rank and file slaves to fix up these properties and donate more and more money to cover the cost.

    It looks like they are in the process of some type cannibalization of its self in an effort of self preservation.

    Are we on the cusps of a giant fire sale as the lawsuits pile up and build pressure I suspect things will get far worse leaving many congregations Kingdom Halless and traveling greater distances just to make a meeting every once and a while when they have enough gas money.

    With a royal charities commission inquiry into inappropriate conduct of the WT corporation and loss of charity status and the eventual loss of such operational status in one country after another things are looking very bleak for this end of the world Jehovah scam cult with it 1914,1975,2000, expiration dates long past.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    The Org's new buzzword will be "Consolidation."

    Inactive (deadwood) ones will be culled. It'll be called "the refining before the end", and it will reduce numbers so well, that the Org can justify the sell-off of countless K.H.'s.

  • GrreatTeacher

    Yep, Searcher, and the True Believers will just accept any explanation because they simply HAVE to believe.

    "Consolidation" might be the new "simplification."

  • oppostate
    Inactive (deadwood) ones will be culled. It'll be called "the refining before the end", and it will reduce numbers so well, that the Org can justify the sell-off of countless K.H.'s.

    That sounds quite true. I can see them weeding out the dead-wood and the elderly past generation will also be out of their hair, so they can concentrate on the millennials who have no clue about 1975. New pond more fishes, and they'll re-use all the old bait on the new generation.

  • freemindfade
    Maybe this is why they are priming the cult minds with images of meetings in basements. The great tribulation will be newlighted into a spiritual or financial tribulation. Prophecy. Freemindfade 5:69
  • Phizzy

    Weed out the deadwood, get rid of, or at least reduce, the non-profit sections, (third world), cut costs to the minimum, and sit back and enjoy the Interest earned on Investments.

    Quite how they are going to get out of supporting the poor JW's in poor Nations I am not sure, but they will find a way, they have already cut costs by administering such "territories" from outside of the countries.

    I do wonder if they actually have a Grand Plan, or if they are simply firing at a moving target ?

    There is without doubt a fishy smell about their latest moves. None of them fit with an Evangelizing and expanding Org/Corporation.

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    Either consciously or unconsciously-(due to a huge shadow bursting at the seams with denial), I think things are in the works for some type of major cannibalization/liquidation of assets. I suppose with all these other sister corporations the WT has spawned might be of some use in the transference of funds shell game on paper(to keep it legal and all). Anyway I would love to be a fly on the wall at one of their business meetings to find out better yet would be a whistle blower going public and under protection of the feds(with all that compartmentalization going on in their thinking they are bound to screw up big time, due to limited choices and pressure to survive while in a delusional state of mind).

    In law and business, liquidation is the process by which a company (or part of a company) is brought to an end, and the assets and property of the company are redistributed. Liquidation is also sometimes referred to as winding-up or dissolution, although dissolution technically refers to the last stage of liquidation. The process of liquidation also arises when customs, an authority or agency in a countryresponsible for collecting and safeguarding customs duties, determines the final computation or ascertainment of the duties or drawback accruing on an entry.[1]
    Liquidation may either be compulsory (sometimes referred to as a creditors' liquidation) or voluntary (sometimes referred to as ashareholders' liquidation, although some voluntary liquidations are controlled by the creditors, see below).

  • DesirousOfChange

    I do wonder if they actually have a Grand Plan, or if they are simply firing at a moving target ?

    Everything they do seems to be RE-active rather than PRO-active. I don't ever see advance planning. It always seems to be damage control.

    Free literature -- damage control for taxation court case.

    New Lite -- always comes out AFTER the Old Lite has obviously quit shining and a change is mandatory (such as the overlap BS that came out years later than the passing of the generation that would never pass).


  • nicolaou

    Interesting discussion. I think the signs have been there for a while now.

    Are we seeing the beginning of the end for Kingdom Halls?

    I really don't think anything should surprise us anymore.

  • millie210

    Sadly, I think they have a lot of resources left to them.

    I do think they have been caught off guard a bit by the internet exposing them so much. The resultant drop in active involved members is part that and part the general religious apathy of people.

    They probably always thought people would just come because after all, they are "OF GOD" but no, people arent - what a shock to them.

    So they know two things

    1) They got the money they have through long ago real estate choices in Brooklyn

    2) Print is out IT and social media is in

    So their knee jerk running behind response to that is huge screens at conventions and a full on design team and building work.

    Its like DOC said - reactive

    But theyve got lots and lots of resources in money and believers at this point.

    I personally hope the pedophile cases keep coming because that drains them of dollars and people at the same time.

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