Is The Watchtower Corporation Getting Ready For A Huge International Fire Sale?

by Brokeback Watchtower 15 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    Millie, I think they have been operating at a loss for years and no doubt the internet has further dried up some resources in the form of will full contributions. I think the extreme measures they are taking now is an effort at making up the losses of previous years. Because they are in such denial they can not fully grasp the situation they are in nor can they admit it publicly.

    I think they are in the throws of a mass sell off that is just beginning.

  • GrreatTeacher

    I think a good thought experiment might be to consider what might happen if they completely stopped making converts. How long will they survive?

    Unfortunately, the answer might be: quite awhile. There are an awful lot of people who came in pre-1975 still out there. Many of these converts had good jobs already and are now enjoying a good retirement, my parents among them. I expect to see a greater push towards including the Watchtower in estate planning.

    This could keep them going for quite a few more years.

  • millie210

    Brokeback Watchtower

    I SO hope you are right!

    I would love to see them scared and running. It would be a good case of karma happening swiftly.

    I just worry that they have resources we dont even know about, which how could we since they keep us all in the dark about pretty much everything!

    I think this even more after reading OrphanCrows thread which started out being about blood but following the money trail - wow - theres some big money there behind the scenes...

    Then there was the thread about Haniph Latchman and the fiber optic technology he sold them for ten dollars was it? But what they plan to do with that up in the New York country side is stupendous to consider.

    So I really dont know but I would love nothing better for them to fail and fall flat on their arrogant collective face.

  • possum
    Bring it on! That tyrannical publishing company has distorted Christianity into what Nietzsche calls a hypocritical creed that has turned sexlessness into "purity", weakness into "goodness", submission to "obedience" and not being able to take revenge into "forgiveness". Nietzsche (the son of a line of pastors) also states that "Christianity amounted to a giant justification for passivity and a mechanism for draining life of its potential. WT cannibalizes your soul, your free will and tramples on your human rights (for its own gains). Forums like this and the Australian royal commission requires that those bigots justify their action or decisions in a very public forum.
  • pepperheart
    In central london this weekend they were giving out on the trolleys books that were 9 years old
  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower
    It's even getting harder give this worthless printed shit away! Nobody in their right mind wants to buy into their crap only desperate people with seemingly no were else to turn and you can't get $blood$ out of a turnip.This Governing Body is whipped. They are in a dying propaganda business trying to cash in on all hidden assets to stay afloat. Jehovah's Chariot is running out of $gas$ and parked in a tow away zone.

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