Just had 2 elders at my door coming to check up on me. They asked how I was doing and usual chit chat. I asked them about if they had seen dateline and about the child abuse problem. They said they heard about the program but did not watch it. I said it was pretty sad to see the poor girl (Erica) being disfellowshipped for speaking out while the abuser was convicted in a court of law and had the support of the congregation. They agreed with me that this was wrong. The one elder tried to swing the conversation away and said the media always tries to show the bad cases of the religion and never of the good causes. I went back to saying if the media has been slanderous of the society then the society could sue but they havn't so this could mean that there is a problem and not at just local levels but higher up. They did not mention too much more about this and either did I. I did not feel like debating today because they said they will be back again. Any advice to what I should do when they return? I could have some fun.
Elders at my door
by Disposable Hero 13 Replies latest jw friends
What good causes?! That would be my first question.
Second, pull all the info regarding the "secret file of pediphiles & ask them about this. Then ask them how the 2 eye-witness rule could actually be held as true.
Then, if you really never want to see them again, ask if either of them are on "the list". That oughta get rid of um for a long time.
nancee park
Be polite but then mail a whole lot of JWs in the general area some of the things you've learned. Don't tell the elders you're going to do so or mention it to anyone else though just in case they wiretap. A lot of us have simply been mailing "silentlambs.org" to JWs around the world. Help out -- that's my recommendation.
I would follow a line of reasoning like this:
"When the Catholic church was being accused of child molesting, and then covering it up, didn't the Witnesses say that this was evidence of God's disapproval?" or
"If God's holy spirit appoints elders to their position, how could these things happen?"
"How can I trust an organization that is more concerned about its reputation than about its members?"
I would also point out the extent of the problem - the BBC and Australian programs, as well as the file with over 23,000 names in it? Why hasn't this file been turned over the the police?
Disposable Hero
If they ask you why you have stopped attending the meetings tell them that you found out the reason why they have so many articles telling the "friends" to stay off the internet. I would not say anything more than that. Give them something to think about.
Edited by - chester on 2 October 2002 18:10:12
Disposable Hero
I did mention about the 2 witnesss rule and how it should not be for child abuse because there is never 2 witnesses to this type of crime. One elder mentioned that it is a tough thing to sort out, that is when I said this should be brought to the police because they are qualified. Trying to get abit of topic he mentioned there are cases when children have alleged abuse when in fact it did not happen and the person's reputation was tarnished. I mentioned that when children say abuse happened over 95% of the time something did indeed happen, because children do not make up stories about being abused unless they have been abused.
They did not mention too much more about this and either did I.
Hi D.H.,
Sad to say.....regardless of what you say on their next visit, their response will be similar to the above statement. Those who are content in their faith really do not want to hear negativity about the Org. and will shy away from elaborating on any debate you have or will turn on you. By turn on you I mean they will inquire as to where you are getting this stuff and attack you there.
This is not the way it always goes however. Many have at least planted some good seeds in the minds of those who hear what we know and will check it out later when they are not in the company of another Witness. Me......I would go for exposing what you know in a discreet and "curious" manner.
What to say to a JW and what not to say is covered well in Freeminds site. It has an alphabetized index with this subject and is well written by those with experience.
Good Luck
The one elder tried to swing the conversation away and said the media always tries to show the bad cases of the religion and never of the good causes.
The JW's reasoning abilities sucks! They say this about their religion but believe everything bad about media coverage against the Catholic religion.
You cant win! Any more outbursts from you and you are "next" for causing divisions! Dont answer the door next time!