Since so many are vehemently opposed to Jehovah's Witnesses, if it was in your power, would you simply outlaw the Witnesses?
by minimus 29 Replies latest jw friends
Outlaw the Witnesses? On what legal basis? The Watchtower is a religion and as such is protected by the laws of this country. To outlaw the Witnesses is to break down the principles of freedom and democracy. No, I would not outlaw the Witnesses.
I went back to school and was delightfully introduced to Berthold Brecht who said the following in a poem:
They came to get the Cripples, and I did nothing. After all, I am not a Cripple.
They came to get the Catholics, and I did nothing. After all, I am not Catholic.
They came to get the Muslims, and I did nothing. After all, I am not Muslim.
They came to get the Jews, and I did nothing. After all, I am not Jewish.
They came to get me, and there was no one left to stop them.
I'd have all organized religion outlawed. All they do is try to control lives and take your money.
I would say to heck with it- outlaw all religion!
No I would not have JW outlawed....that would require outlawing freedom of choice...and what gives us the right to do such a thing?
Outlaw the practices that hurt people would be nice....but there are too many entities out there that do this, not just JW.
I say 'leave it to Jehoooovah'
As much as I dislike the Watchtower and religion in general, no, I would not outlaw them. I strongly believe in freedom of and from religion. To outlaw them would be imposing my will on others and I disagree with that even more.
However, if I could, I would limit their ability to hide behind spirituality and make them more accountable to followers. I feel religions have gained too much power and all eventually abuse their followers in one way or another.
Lew W
Full disclosure requirements of : their mehods, techniques and expectations. This would serve to curtail their advancement under the protection of the First Amendment. No need to outlaw them. Their success stems from subterfuge and deceit!
Countries have already done this and failed! They just go underground and sometimes they actually increase their numbers while under ban.
It is better to keep them legal, and then attack them through the courts, attack them in the media with issues people care about (like child abuse), and keep organizing their opposition (us) on the Internet. Their numbers are declining in many developed countries where Internet access is readily available. They appear to be having financial problems as well. The information age seems to be their greatest threat.
Since it would be illegal to outlaw or ban witnesses I would instead have to resort to magic. Then I would just wave the magic wand and all the evil caused by these cults would just vanish.