I was just thinking that Holloween is just around the corner. Woulnt it be a scream to dress up in a dress and hubby in a suit and tie and go "door to door" for holloween???
HEHEHHE! I guess i have too much time on my hands huh!
by mamashel 14 Replies latest jw friends
How about dressing up as Dubs, but only visit dub houses, and PASS OUT candy to everyone that answers the door. (Eat the rest yourself, you'll have a lot left over).
Do American witnesses dress that bad? (:-
In a newspaper article (liberal paper) describing an assembly in a European country, the journalist described the atmosphere as resembling the 50s due to the family-friendly atmosphere (please do not mess comments with pe... into this as well, it is getting sort of worn out). The way people dressed, groomed and bijouteri was described as modern.
Most witness youths dress very modern, slightly downplayed at assemblied, but def. modern in leisure time.
That would be fine Mama, but you could get shot, considering the pedo issue and all.