Dress up like JW for Holloween!! LOL

by mamashel 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • glitter

    Never thought of that! If I were to go Trick-Or-Treating or to a Halloween party, I'd go as Sadako from a scary Japanese film called "Ringu", but no-one would get it... Going as a JW is the best idea I've ever heard in my life!

  • Cygnus

    I went to a Halloween party as a JW once. Brought the WT and Awake! and a few books (of course, the Revelation Climax book, the pictures were appropriate for Halloween). People kept saying "dude, you cut your hair for this??" But no, I had the pony tail tucked inside my shirt. :P

  • jeannie

    You guys are so funny...The first year I stopped meetings I went to a party and dressed up as an Alien Slut..wore my bra outside my costume..teased my hair and sprayed it purple...carried a toy ray gun...and painted my face green and put tiny lites in my hair....I truly wanted to ring a few witnesses door bells and see if they would recognize me....

  • joannadandy

    I think the single scariest thing you could be would be a can of SPAM....think about it people!

    Personally I am going naked...nothing more disturbing than a naked monkey girl who glows in the dark!

  • Beck_Melbourne

    What a laugh...I like that idea...except Halloween isn't a big thing over here.

    Great idea...made me smile.


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