Sorry I could not make this post ealier than this but things have been a little rough around our neck of the woods here lately.
Where to start, my daughter was admitted to the hospital about 3 weeks ago with a kidney infection. She stayed for a few days and the doctors were concerned that she may have had appendictis.
Last week, Cassi was admitted to the hospital once again due to infection getting worse. She stayed in the hospital for a few days too. She continues to see the doctor about 2-3 times a week which has been going on for quite some time now. She may need surgery again in the near future. She has been in and out of the hospital for weeks now.
On top of the trips to the doctor and hospitals, the Army isn't making my life very easy either with all the events going on in the world.
Did I mention that I am also trying to finish college?
Oh, and there is a hurricane here, just to top it all off.
Thank you all for your concern for us. You all are a bunch of great friends and Cassi and I love you all. Thanks again.
Edited by - maximumflash on 3 October 2002 22:57:41