(((((((((((((((((((Cassi & Max))))))))))))))))))))))
Hope things get better soon!!!! Miss you both!!!
by maximumflash 14 Replies latest jw friends
(((((((((((((((((((Cassi & Max))))))))))))))))))))))
Hope things get better soon!!!! Miss you both!!!
Cassi and Max , so glad to hear you are safe and not flooding down that way. We were pretty safe in our area, but when I hear it was hitting the Layfette and Alexandria area , I got a bit nervous for you guys. But I know Max, is a good army man, and knows how to take care of his family. But I sure was glad to know for sure, ya know.
God, Cassi, you are going thru such hell, girl. I wish I could be closer to help out or just visit. Please let me know if you come to Shreveport and remember if I can help out in anyway, you just say the word. If they don't get you fixed up down there, there are some great docs this way. I told ya about the one who did my son's surgery , the uroligist(Sp) when he was 2, he is great.
I would love to go down and see ya when you get to feeling better. We are so close , only a couple of hours away, and I really wish I was in a postition to help you out , with your kids and things you need. I am sure Max is doing a wonderful job, just wish I could help out too. My oldest son is wearing us out in his football and first year in public school. He got a severe case of spectic bursitis in his bad elbow, and was very sick, they thought they would have to put him in hospital. But he did great on the meds and avoided that. Then the next week , he was in practice and got pushed into a steel pole on the side line and busted his other elbow wide open. And he is one that hates, really hates pain, and needles, so we put butterfly bandgages on it and he is fine . Wheewwwwwwww.
The rain has moved out of our area and the worst is over. I will call ya sometime tomorrow. Hugs to Max , Cassi and kids...............Love ya, Dede
Ona, Dottie, Dutchie, Tracy, Prisca, Jack2, Joy2bfree, Andee, XW, and Dede, thanks a lot for all your concern and thoughts for us.
Hope everyone is having a great day and thank you all for the offers you have given!!
(Don't know what is going on in the reply above but all this should have been in that reply. Computer glitch or something. Mods, feel free to delete the reply above with no coments in it.)
Edited by - maximumflash on 4 October 2002 13:6:9
And I'm assuming that your Cassie's sweet husband? Thanks for letting us know how y'all are doing.......and hopefully....a whole lot better soon!
Did the hurricane come & go by now? I live about 90 miles inland from the ocean, and I remember Hugo coming through here with about 90 tornadoes. We are impressed, to say the least.
Give Cassie and your daughter a hug for us.....and they to you in return. Lord, if someone didn't watch out for someone else sometimes, we'd be lost.
Take care - and beg on the mercy of your professors.
waiting - south carolina