most jw are not dfed for doctrinal reason and therefor are not interested in learning THE TRUTH
in fact many of us have seen over and over that often times a dfed person is more loyal than one in good standing
for they often times veiw an apostate coming to them as the ULTIMATE TEST and to show the elders that they want back in- THEY WILL TURN YOU IN
i have been on the net for over 6yrs and one thing i have seen so manny times is how dfed folks have turned in folks like you -
while i agree that they do get the shaft, in most cases they were dfed for something that they many times feel put them in the wrong anyway stealing smoking sex, etc
so many will say I DID WRONG NOT THE ORG
so in your attempt to use this occasion it often times backfires not always but in my exp most times it does
my view is this if a person is dfed or stops attending meettings for nondoctrinal reason they are more likely to go back for all they need is some kind hearted elder and his family take them into thier inner circle and they are back selling books
i know cause i used to welcome those who felt like outcast and in 6 months they were reg in service and on the road to becoming dyed in the wool active jw- just by having kindness shown
in most congo if you are not part of the click-- you feel like you are getting the shaft-
but for folks who either leave due to no love being shown to them and then take the time to educate themselves on the dogma issues or like many of us including myself- we left on doctrinal issues
personally i was well loved and respected i was part of the "click", - but i had issues on dogma and policy that i could not justtify and i had to roll
so your efforts are to be commended, but just keep the proper prospective this way you will not feel that your efforts are a waste as much as not effective - depending on why the person go dfed in the start
but hey anything that can help folks leave , even if it is only one person is worth it