To Mr. Bowen...

by AGuest 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • FiveShadows

    May Jah's blessing be upon you Shelby J. And Praise Him that sent you for you have been obiedent towards the Most High and His Son. With a sinful heart (as we all have) i stand by your words. ~FS

  • Marilyn

    <<<<<<<<<<<You're a smart guy and i can't for the life of me see what keeps you shackled

    That's the $64,000 question!


  • AGuest
    "as much as it has to do with the most effective campain he can muster and co-ordinate to expose them for whom they are, hence reforming their policy / position on the matter ( which BTW has already begun and been improved on, thanks to his well crafted display of the propaganda we have already witnessed ) so that the CHILDREN will have a lesser probability of abuse possibilities."

    Dearest Bathory... may you have peace... and may I say to you with regard to the above:

    If you or anyone else think that this campaign will reduce the incidence of child abuse/pedophilia... you are fooling yourselves. And quite sadly so. It will make no more a dent in such "crime", as three strikes has done for felonies, "just say no" has done for drug abuse, WEAVE has done for domestic violence, registering has done for sex offenders, and sex education has done for teen pregnancy. Life... is life... mankind is mankind... and such things have been going on since very soon after the beginning of man.

    What it appears to me that Mr. Bowen is attempting to do... and may or may not succeed in... in bringing to light those who perpetuate such abuse themselves, as well as holding responsible those who condone it and protect the offenders, which in and of itself is a most noble cause.

    In TRUTH, however, the abuse will not decrease, for two (2) reasons: corruption always starts at the top, and those on the bottom are want to ever believe that fact... and pedophiles will just become more, shall we say, "wiley"... and hidden. Even from the "good" elders. They will certainly have to come up with more... shall we say, "creative" ways of seducing their victims, in light of the media exposure... but... they will succeed. Not in all cases (as they did not in such before), but in many. And since there is no exact known number of cases (as there is STILL a stigma attached to being abused, more so in some instances, including in the WTBTS, than there is to being an abuser, so that abusers fear coming forward), any appearance of a decline would be... misleading. Truly.

    True, more may come out with the truth of being abused; however, more will also become silent. Why? Because the counter attack is always to make the victim look like the bad guy. Always. And the WTBTS will pull out all stops within its ranks to assure that that happens. There will be letters and articles designed to "ward off" any negative image this campaign may have attempted to set forth. To do anything else (confess their negligence, perhaps), would be, in their minds, an admission of guilt. And they are NEVER guilty, in their own view/opinion. It's all lies and propaganda against "the visible representation of the Lord on earth," so that anyone speaking against them... is speaking "against God". These folks are VERY good at this; next to publishing, "shining" up their image and tarnishing others is what they're in business to do!

    What does this mean? That children and parents who MIGHT have gotten the courage to speak up... will now become MORE silent... because to speak out would put THEM in the "light" of following those who speak against the organization... apostates... to their own detriment. You ALL know that anyone might succumb to being a fornicator, an idolator, a drunkard, even a murderer... but an APOSTATE! There is no dirtier word within that organization's vocabulary. Remember: many still believe it's the "truth", no matter what the "imperfect" individuals inside may... or may not... do.

    And, yes, this is a morbid outlook. And it is not my intention to quench hope... or naysay a worthy crusade. It is only my hope to speak the TRUTH... so that ones will know what to expect. Why? Because when people get their hopes up... only to see them unrealized... things tend to get worse than they were before such hope: gain in despair, while losing hope, which leads to loss of faith... and, ultimately... blaming God. BUT... the reality is the reality: it is neither God's will... nor God's doing. This organization was SET UP to do what it does... and do it well! And it DOES it all... QUITE well!

    My point is, however, is that if at least they have a REALISTIC expectation, as well as a true understanding of what will occur... and what won't... and WHY... then they may be able to keep their resolve much longer... to the benefit of a greater number than without it of those who DO come forward and tell of their abuse... and perhaps even those who confess to being an abuser and give themselves up. A small number out of the larger, perhaps, but ANY number is worth it.

    Again, I bid you peace.

    A slave of Christ,


  • emancipated

    The weather here is rainy also.

  • Princess

    yep, raining in unusual.

    Rachel (who hasn't heard any little voices lately...except those of four and six year olds)

  • DJ

    Rainy most of the day here in PA. Humid and cloudy now. Tomorrow, perhaps drier but warm and humid. I'm looking forward to Sunday.....76 and sunny, less humid.

    Dj "clueless"

  • Windchaser

    Thanks for the update, Jim, I miss those Massachusetts rains.

    Hi, Emaciate, and where would that be? Do tell. Weather here (San Diego) has been fine, a little cool, but mostly sunny.

    DJ, can you give me my weather forecast?

    Edited to add: Sorry, Emancipate. Missed a couple of letters there. BTW, WELCOME!!!!!!

    Edited by - windchaser on 5 October 2002 2:37:21

  • Windchaser

    AGuest, could I please borrow one of your tool bars? I've seemed to have misplaced mine.

  • DJ

    LOL@Winchaser. I thought I was seeing things. Gimme it's mine......mine......myyyy toool barrr!

  • BugParadise

    Weather here is much better now that Lili decided to pack up her toys and go home!

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