This board is so similar to a congregation. Every type of personality makes up this group. Some are very bright, while others are not. Some aspire to be leaders. Others are. Some here are touchy. Others are less emotional. Some have gone through awful experiences, while others have had few problems. One of the best parts of this discussion board is the fact that we can interchange our comments, feelings and ideals. Of course, we may not always agree with an opinion. If we disagree with another because of a different perspective this is o.k. But if we take ourselves so seriously that we pooh-pooh any comment that we feel is inferior or incorrect, we should reflect upon what we really accomplish. Sometimes we may get heated, and rightfully so, but we should always try to accord some dignity to our fellow friends.
by minimus 17 Replies latest jw friends
You do. Chill out.
OK that's it IRON GLAND! Now I'm angry. How dare you talk to me like this!!!
Too right we do.
I think many here need to take a chill pill.
Well, minimus, a motivational speaker once said, "If you don't take yourself seriously, no one else will."
Too seriously is hard term to measure. I figure I try to balance it depending on the group I am in. If the group and occasion is serious, I take my cue from that. If I'm at the Comedy Store, then I adjust.
Then with individuals too we have to consider the hurt inside them. People in pain tend to take things more seriously. What they need is love and support and in time they will loosen up.
Edited by - Blondie on 4 October 2002 22:9:47
So, who got bashed this time?
plmkrzy, maybe the question is who hasn't been bashed. I think minimus is just making a philosophical statement. I love that clown one. It sort of looks like me but my nose is bigger and green.
Seriously, I'm kinda wary of ppl making comparisons of this board(or any other for that matter) to a congregation of dubs. Such a comparison holds little weight with me because one of the things u learn when u leave is that j-dubs aren't all that special or unique, at least from a behavioural standpoint, as anybody else. In gatherings of ppl who share some common interest there is always gonna be some type of conflict, jostling for attention, power....whatever. It's part of human nature, imo. As is the fact that yes, sometimes we do, in fact take ourselves a bit too seriously.
but my nose is bigger and green
ewww, green sounds a bit...runny. How bout a pink one instead?
I am a large person and I love to dance and the nose is just about right, plmkrzy.