My Armageddon Story
I crouched with my family by the heavy lead-lined door. A dozen faces around the room stared back at me, eyes wide, skin sickly in the weak fluorescent light. We shook from the muffled pounding above and in fear. A radio hissed static. The handle of the bunker door pressed uncomfortably in to my back, but I did not move. The end of the world was upon us. I was luckier than most. We had a share in this secret bunker, thick walls protecting us from the poisons raining from above, stores of food and water in the corner that would hopefully carry us through the terrible days to come.
When I was accepted in to this end-times fraternity, I had to sign a contract. I was sworn to keep quiet the true purpose of our little club. We were not to reveal the true purpose of our little pact even with close family and friends. There were limited reserves of food and water. The bunker would only hold so many. No matter how much we cared for our loved ones, we were bound to be firm in our resolve. There was room only for so many. I hugged my girl close, stroking her damp hair.
Dont worry, everything will be all right.
My voice echoed hollowly in that small space. I wiped away her grimy tears and retreated in to silence. I felt a small vibration at my back. It was distinct from the shaking above. The vibration became pronounced, like the regular tapping of a motor engine or..
Tap, tap, tap.tap, tap..
Yes, it was getting stronger, a regular knocking. I glanced around the room. Not one else seemed to have noticed. I blinked and shook my head. What could that sound be? Not the compressor; it was behind the opposite wall. I had helped seal it in myself. A bomb? That would be silly. No one knew of the entrance to our shelter but us, and we were all here. No one could have survived the heat and flames and poisons that had forced us here.
Tap, Tap, Tap
The regular knocking snapped me out of my reverie. Was there another sound between the knocks?
let me in
No no no. I must be imagining things. I glanced quickly at the rest. No one else had heard it, surely.
..Knock, Knock, Knock.Let Me In..
My companion faces twisted in panic.
Someone wants in!No way! No one saw us come this way!Dont let them in!We will all die!
The knock rapped its message up my spine. I shifted away from the door.
What are you doing?You arent going to answer it, are you?
I snapped,
Of course not! Who do you think I am?..KNOCK, KNOCK,Let Me In
Someone screamed. Could I leave the stranger out there to suffer and die? My girl was sobbing again, shaking in my arms.
Do something! Make it stop!HERE I AM! LET ME IN!
The voice was not of family and friend, of that I was sure, yet somehow familiar. There was no trace of panic in that voice. Commanding but kind. Compelling.
If I let you in, I will surely die!BELIEVE ME YOU WILL LIVE, EVEN THOUGH YOU DIE.
I looked around at the grim grey walls of our sanctuary, at the pitiful collection of cans and tanks stacked neatly at the back, the single flickering light reflecting on terror filled faces. What kind of life is this?
The handle rattled and shook
They lunged for me, for the door. Even if my life was over, I would do it for a kindness. Turning my back to them, I firmly took my daughters hand and the handle. The door swept open to Was I poisoned? Was I dead? I no longer cared. I had opened the door to my fears. I took a deep breath, and opened my eyes, to Light. Music. There He was. I knew Him. I was free.
Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me. Revelation 3:20 NIV
It must have been 20 years ago when I had this dream. Until then I had a gnawing fear that one day, the world would end. Back then, my fears were based on the Cold War and nuclear annihilation. The reasons have changed, but even today every child carries that burden of fear, whether they are aware of it or not. After the dream, I decided I would always act first out of compassion, no matter how afraid I felt. If I risked death, it would not matter. At least my living had been worthwhile. This concept set me free. I no longer worry about my future.
I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; John 11:25 NIV
I am indebted to Kenpodragon for giving me the idea for presentation, and for Xenawarriors chatroom encouragement.