If an employee is prone to such states of anger so much of the time, why is that behavior tolerated? If they are worthy, then how about anger management classes because I, for one, would be long gone from such a work environment.
It's good separating the personal from the business . But again I ask why should other employees be subjected to the whimes of an individual that (if I read correctly) thrives on pushing other peoples' buttons.
Ya know we had a roommate for 16 months that thought it quite cleaver to push and push; and although his ploy was not presented in anger, he loved it when someone came back in anger at him. Well, Kenpo, let me tell ya; he realised the wrath of a normally "walk away, don't react" woman because I was in his face. This was the man who encouraged me to stick the pins in the wax dolls because he didn't believe it possible. When I turned all his bullshit back on him, he couldn't leave our home fast enough.
I refuse to entertain people who do little to nothing for creating a change. There are times to listen, that goes without saying...listen to complete strangers too, for christ sake, but it will become obvious in a short time that a great majority of people really don't want anything different. When we can shut down their game, they become bored and will usually leave us/me alone.
I sometimes think anger is mis-repesentated as something only vile and negative. I disagree. Anger has a place and time. It's about our personal motive and accepting the responsibility that goes along with.
Angry people have been able to accomplish good, too. As for passing along "their negativity", as already stated, I'm not responsible for what they do or don't do. I liked how one person wrote to take the ball and let it go splat!