Demon at My Daughters House

by Undecided 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • betweenworlds

    Wow Ken!

    What has your daughter seen? Sounds kinda spooky!!

    BTW Was great seeing you today :) We have decided for the next meetup we'll all get together for that BBQ at my place. Sound good? Had such a great time today. It's too bad you had to leave before dinner, the conversation was fantastic. What a great bunch of folks!!

    Take care and talk soon


  • RunningMan

    Sounds like a case for Scooby-Doo.

    Personally, I suspect the old man who runs the abandoned amusement park.

  • scootergirl

    LOL runningman! That guy always was the culprit!

    But on a serious note,! That had to be scarey, whatever caused it-whatever it is, for your daughter.

  • Billygoat


    Do you have an update to this situation? I'm just curious about what you discovered when you spoke with her/went to her house. Let us know.


  • kenpodragon

    These type of things have been misunderstood throughout time. At one time people thought of angels and demons, and then in modern times this is often credited to aliens. In reality, many scientist today are saying this is a half-dream, half-awake condition. In which the mind is awake, but the body isn't.

    I would ask her if she is troubled about something.

    My thought


  • Solace

    OMG, Demons!

    I think its totally possible.

    Ken, are you ok?

    Ken?!? KEN!!! Ken!!!

  • LyinEyes

    Something very similar happened to me after my daughter was just born. I was sleeping in the room with her, her in her crib me right across. I have always been one of those way overboard, check to see if the baby is breathing all night, types. With each of my kids they always ended up in my arms and I got a little sleep, that was the only way I could sleep.

    Anyway, like I said before, right after my daughter was born, I felt something holding me down on the bed, crushing me. I could hardly breathe, I couldnt talk I could move my fingers I can remember that clearly. I feel if it was a demon I would call on the name Jehovah, I did and I either woke from the sleep, or whatever it was, although to this day I did not feel asleep in any way. I guess my mind woke before the body , right? I guess believeing in calling on the name of Jehovah as we were told, worked for me. Maybe it was because my subconscious listened to me and I believed so strongly. Maybe I just woke myself up.

    I walked over to my daughter and she was fine. I was wet with sweat and have often thought that this experience I had could have been some kind of hormonal changes due to having my daughter.

    This could explain the need i felt to get to my daughter but wasnt able to move. Many dreams that I remember are just like this , trying to run but getting no where, trying to move and being stuck. It is fear , I guess , and since I just had a hard birth and she was sick with a mysterious , unexplained fever after she was born, I was very protective of her.

    But I am one of those who will not deny that there must be spirit world out there , maybe they protect us at times, maybe they try to harm us . I have seen some things that I can't explain other than the above episode, that I know for a fact I wasnt sleeping and another person heard the same thing I did. So in that cause it could not have been my mind alone playing tricks on me.

    I just remembered something, about my oldest son when he was a baby. I had just lost my mother a year before he was born and was so afraid of him sleeping alone. He was only a few days old and I slept with him on a pallet on the floor to make sure he was breathing ok. He always sounded like he had a hard time getting air to me, Dr's said it was allergies. One night I woke up and put my hand on him and didnt feel his chest going up and down...... my heart froze and I woke him up , picking him up quickly,,,,,,,,, he gasped....I was sure if I hadnt slept with him maybe he would have another spell like that. So all 3 of my kids slept with me and to this day, i walk the floors at night to check in on them.

    Maybe it was her mothers instict telling her something too. I know one thing, I am such an obsessive complusive person , if I sense I should do something , I do it for fear it might happen if I don't ,, if that makes sense.

    Just a side note,,,,, in China the cases of Sudden Infant death sydrome are lower, due to the belief that so many people sleep with the baby in one room. They say the sounds of others breathing, even snoring remind the baby's brain to breath also. Makes sense.

  • kenpodragon


    I think there are guide visitations, but not demons. I just have a friend who does sleep studies as a job, and he mentioned this to me once on a study and I thought I would share it. I am very familiar with the spirit realm, and the connection that have to our alpha state. I just think some things can be explained different ways. As for me being okay ... "no, I know to much about the spirit realm and study it to much." (In honestly though, I am having a depressing day)

    I do not believe in demons or the devil though. I have explored deep into spirits and attended many seminars and nothing has told me that their is a evil person like Satan, and demons. I do have a theory on this though and in the future I will share it.

    My thought


    Edited by - kenpodragon on 30 October 2002 1:20:23

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