LMAO too! Now you understand what I've been saying.......!!! LOL
Accepting that we are not perfect
by kenpodragon 30 Replies latest jw friends
I admit, I was confused on what you were talking about until I saw what my spell check did. LMAO ... classical!!!
Take Care
Jesus Christ
Speak for yourselves. In case you haven't read the bible I am perfect. Yeah, that's right, I just went bowling and of course I had another 300 game, again, like I always do. Played some golf too and shot an 18 on the entire course. Kiss my butt Tiger Woods!
Jesus Christ
Oh yeah, speaking of those penis enlargement pills, I once sent some information about those to a certain elder. What's really funny is I sent it to him in his name but with the Kingdom Hall's address.
Once again, I am perfect, perfectly evil!!!!
Hit the pro tour!!!
Jesus Christ
Eh, I would but there's that whole bit with not having a physical body and all. You should see the killer golf courses we have up here and all of the hot naked women that caddy for you. Its so great.
The question is then, what kind of woman is considered hot in heaven? Does the Christian God base his beauty thought on the current thought of man?
Just wondering
Jesus Christ
Ah, haven't you ever heard "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." The hot women look however you would like them to look. You want fat, skinny, or medium? That's what you'll get. Blonde, red, brunette? You can even mix and match depending on your preferences.
In that case, the words of the wise Belinda Carlisle ...
Ooh heaven is a place on earth
They say in heaven love comes first
We'll make heaven a place on earth
Ooh heaven is a place on earth... and let all see beauty in everything and everyone
Take Care
I think i am stumbled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i thought i was perfect. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahha