If you can't beat em...

by Paradiselost 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Paradiselost

    Has anyone on the board ever joined a cong as an unknown apostate, gained a reputation, 
    and then tried to show certain members the errors in their ways. ; I'm in a sitation 
    that makes the following hypothetical possible. ; Should I do it...Has anyone attemted 
    it? ; Thoughts?
  • kenpodragon

    I already wasted enough of my life in a Kingdom Hall. I wont even go into one for a wedding or memorial.

    Take Care


  • TR

    Hmmmmm......would be tempting, but why waste your valuable time. Just being friendly with a few 'hovahs, you might be able to impart some valuable info to help them see the error of their ways. Maybe you could be a good return visit for some unsuspecting 'hovah.


  • freedom96

    I think that the second a person were to start questioning things, red flags will go up, and no one will listen.

    The best weapon in getting the witnesses to understand, I completely believe is the internet. When people can look on websites in the privacy of their own home, that will be the best way. Person to person is near impossible, in my opinion.

    When people are good and ready, and daring, then they will look on the internet. More and more people each day sign up to the internet, so eventually the internet will be available to most.

    Remember, doubts cannot be talked about in the hall. Not even with your best friend.

  • TTBoy

    As I posted on another thread I'd rather be "trained/gang raped" by AIDS riddin homosexuals who didn't use condoms before I step foot in a KH again.


  • Paradiselost

    I think personal persuation is possible. You have to play the ignorant, questioning newbie role...no one thinks this would work?

  • DanTheMan

    I could see where if they came to your door, you could let them conduct a study with you, and bring up some things that way. But you'd have to be a pretty good actor or else they're gonna be on to you pretty quick. JW's aren't totally stupid.

    The going to the KH idea, well, if you could sit through those meetings without either vomiting or laughing uproariously, then more power to ya.

  • Jesus Christ
    Jesus Christ

    No freakin way I would go to a Kingdumb Hall for anything. Before I could be in a position to really reach the various members I would have to go to many meetings and probably even field service. Not worth the trouble.

    If you can't beat them, just ignore them.

  • jurs

    when I first left I called bible studies and friends in the org, because I wanted to help get them out. I had thoughts similar to yours as to go about it in a sneaky way. I wanted to help people get out of a cult. It doesn't work. Unfortunately, I believe it takes personal bad experiences and some breathing room away from the hall for people to start doubting and thinking. If they feel like their being tricked or pressured to leave they'll fall for the JW explanation that satan is trying to lure them away or that your a wolf in sheeps clothing. It'll make them draw ever closer to the org. I believe its better to just DA yourself and only give reasons if asked. jurs

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Just a suggestion, you're better off getting them to come to you, then to waste your time going to them...they'll just think you're a bit of a nutto to go to such a lot of trouble.

    You're better off to have a one on one at your doorstep first, and entice them inside to conduct a bible study with you...and then...slowly...drip feed them the truth about the truth. Good luck (woops I mean fortune) to you.


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