Newbie alert!

by pharisee 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • pharisee

    Hi all,

    I'm new here, and would just like to thank Simon and people like him (Franz for one) who have helped others, through various forms of media, to make thier own educated descisions on how to deal with all the JW issues in their lives.

    When I was growing up in a JW family, we never had the opportunity to get "second opinions" on any doubts we had from any source.

    Luckly, with resources such as this website, and others like it, I have been able to make one of the most important discisions in my life, and that is how to bring up my kids spiritually and mentally? I had to be 100% sure, in my mind, that I was doing the right thing.

    I hope others who we all know that are searching for thier "answers" will be as fortunate as many of us here.

  • blondie

    Welcome, by your name I would guess you were an elder.

    Yes, it can be enlightening here.

  • ugg

    hi,,,and welcome

  • JG

    Welcome to the board. I hope to hear your story.


  • Beck_Melbourne

    Hello Pharisee..whenever I see your name I think of white washed graves LOL...sorry...not a very nice thing to think of...but its my cult thinking...can't quite shake it off

    Welcome to the board. I can see we shall get along famously...I share your reasoning on post-jw life and how to get the best out of it. Looking forward to reading more of your posts...great to have you here and I look forward to reading your story if you ever want to post it!!


  • pharisee

    I like the name Pharisee, because that is what my father would call "the almighty ones", elders, CO's, etc. when they would make a "do as I say, not as I do" comment, or when they would over sensationalize an obscure WTB rule or regulation, while blatently ignoring the most important moral or commandment. You know the type!

  • CornerStone

    Hi Pharisee,

    Glad you could come aboard.


  • johnathanseagull

    Welcome Ph............enjoy your time here

    J Gull

  • Joyzabel

    Welcome to the board, Pharisee.

    But won't you get hot in those old heavy Pharisee robes you've got to wear? hehe

    And how long is your beard by now???

    just j/king.



  • abbagail

    Welcome to the "real world," Pharisee!

    They say the only way to break a bad habit is to replace it with a new one. This place will make for a very good "replacement"!


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