In a congregation some years ago, the elders had a major issue to deal with. A transexxual woman became interested in studying the Bible with the Witnesses. She was invited to go to the meetings. She enjoyed them. At one point she excused herself so as to go to the ladies room. Horrors! Now everybody was in a quandry. What happens if she has to go to the bathroom again? The body of elders convened a meeting to discuss this issue. It was decided that they would call the Society. The official answer was: "He was born a man. He still is a man. In God's eyes, he's a man. If he has to go to the bathroom, he will have to go the men's room." This created quite a stir in the Hall the next time the interested "woman" came to the Hall. She was told that if she had to use the bathroom, she could only go in the men's room because ultimately, before God, she was still a man. She then left, and left for good.
The Transsexual They Wouldn't Let Pee
by minimus 36 Replies latest jw friends
That's an interesting story. We had a man undergo a sex change operation at work and a new label was put on a restroom just for him, then her. It had the symbols for both male and female. Then, (s)he eventually left and the restroom was changed back to male. I don't think anyone used the restroom but that person. The reason I refer to both genders is that he dressed as a woman for quite a while before undergoing the operation.
But Minimus, it is not published in any of the Society's books, and it is not discussed in the "Flock" book, so this could not have happened ... guess its one of those "oral" teachings again ... just yanking your chain, left over from an earlier issue.
I also recall a discussion I had with an fellow Elder about Trans-sexuals. He stated that his discussion with the Society ... because of a trans-sexual they had in a San Francisco congregation ... was that the person could remain as a woman if her body had undergone irreversable operation to remove the male sex organ ... and would be considered a "sister" ... and I assume that meant using the woman's bathroom ... but, she could never Pioneer, and she would not be permitted to get married.
On the other hand, if she was not permanently altered physically, then she would be required to return to being a male. If she refused to become a male again, then she would not be permitted to get baptized. The case he discussed was of a women trans-sexual who was married to a man ... and so in her case the Society also required her to divorce her husband since they would view the "arrangement" as smacking of homosexuality.
Well, all in a days work for the GB to deliberate on such things. Fun topic, expecially for the religious legal nuts.
i can't get my puter to cut and paste-so i'll try and quote . Regarding the transsexual who married
how did they get married legally? As far as i know-it is not legal for 2 same sex persons to marry legally anywhere. I am assming that if a person had an offfical operation change and became a woman they could then marry legally. What right would the WTS have to tell them they could not?
Edited by - wednesday on 8 October 2002 10:45:52
yeah, the irony is that the bigots saved that person from a life of control and ignorance
as with all things watchtower, people are secondary - the wt would say secondary to God, but we know it's secondary to their current infantile interpretations
'when you lose small mind you free your life' (system of a down)
Way to win over the masses!!! Wonder how they got their foot out of their mouth.
My thought