The Transsexual They Wouldn't Let Pee

by minimus 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Hi Amazing, That was quite the problem that you guys dealt with! But what if the operation could be reversed or a fake organ could be reapplied? There MUST be a rule on that! And what if a person was born with 2 sex organs? Oh, the GB and their rules!.......btw, Regarding the "oral" thing, I think either I originally misunderstood what was being said or I was misunderstood. I never questioned that the Circuit Oversser would give "the interpertation" to what was published. The fact is, most of us ignored "his opinion".Sometimes that got us in trouble! Othertimes, we were able to say, "See, OUR letter from the Society says we were right". That also happened more than a few times.

  • Swan

    Just as with vaccinations, organ transplants, and blood transfusions, the WTBTS makes a moral issue out of what is a medical issue. Once again the GB knows better than the doctors and medical professionals who base their knowledge on years of scientific research and evidence.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    undergone irreversable operation

    This really makes me smile. I got into a discussion once with an older elder, of the anointed 40 years in the organization etc. about this topic and he said pretty much the same thing. The woman would not be allowed to pioneer and never could be married. Then I asked him if this woman died, would she be resurrected. The elder said yes, but she would be resurrected as a man. I pointed out that the reason this person had the operation to begin with was that she felt misplaced gender wise. He said that Jehovah would fix that during the resurrection (sounds like something out of Frankenstein; "Throw the third switch!"). However, he got irritated when I pointed out that Jehovah could just as easily resurrect her as a woman since that seemed to be her preference. He said, "Just stop thinking about perverted things." Well, after that profound and well thought out advice, needless to say I felt much better.

  • minimus

    Tex, if an anointed person told you this, it must be true. They must have more holy spirit and know better, right?

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Not only that but God loves them more. After all everyone else are "strangers". Look how good and wonderful it is to be a stranger before God . . . . .

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Welcome to the Dub Zone, a dimension of sight and of sound, but of little mind. Take a left turn at Alcyone, out in the Pleiades, and you're almost there...

    Submitted for your approval:

    A man, zealous in his new-found faith, practicing the works that lead to salvation, setting a chaste and proper example to others. A detail - he was born a girl. Convinced that this was "nature's mistake," he took steps to alter his body with surgery and hormone supplements. He lives as a guy. works as a guy, and has risen in the congregation as only a proper fellow can.

    His secret is discovered. Will his privileges in the congregation be revoked? Will he be asked to wear a head covering and respond to the title "Sister"? Will he have grounds for a civil rights lawsuit?

    I leave the answer to you, Dear Reader, for this... is the Dub Zone, a dimension of heat and light, sound and fury, signifying nothing.

    Edited by - Nathan Natas on 9 October 2002 1:58:50

  • Beck_Melbourne


    What didn't they ask the transexual to use the disabled toilet which is for both genders like they did at our kingdom hall?


  • Swan

    Good point Beck. Where I live they have restrooms along the freeways about every 50 miles or so. These rest areas all have signs outside the toilet saying that an attendant of the opposite sex may enter the restroom to help a disabled person to pee. For example, a husband could accompany his wheelchair bound wife into the ladies room to provide her with the necessary assistance she needs. This is just common sense. A poddy is a poddy and when you've got to go you've got to go. The elders at that KH act like their restrooms are some sort of sex club. They need to get their minds out of the toilet.


  • plmkrzy
    What didn't they ask the transexual to use the disabled toilet which is for both genders like they did at our kingdom hall?

    No Kidding

    Anyway in regards to not allowing him to use the ladies room. Wouldn't that pretty much be the same type of obsticle he would face anywhere?

    forgot a whole sentence(actually two words)

    Edited by - plmkrzy on 9 October 2002 2:24:33

  • minimus

    Use the disabled toilet...YOU are a transsexual........doesn't quite sound right. Besides, there were onlt 2 toilets at the time.

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