The Truth About Life Is Stranger Than Fiction

by Zechariah 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Zechariah

    - My years of deep meditations on life and its many mysteries have revealed to me that the strangest concepts about life are the truest.

    - Nothing in life is totally coincidental

    - History repeats itself

    - All things physical are the hardware. All things spiritual is the software.

    -The scripts of life are all written in advance.
    Our lives are like acts in a play.

    Lifes strange realities as I discover them provide a constant source of excitement for me.

    My new discovery just made is the latest astounding fact that speaks to the the mysterious issue of Satanism amongst the leadership of JWs.

    To begin it is necessary for me to speak more on my philosophy that history repeats itself. The are different roles in life that are played by persons and or groups of people.

    In my thread "JWs as the man of sin" I believe I have made a compelling case that the Catholic church and JWs are inseperably linked. The uncanny similarities between these two religions is driven by spirits both angelic and demonic. I say this is a fact that both religions are driven by the same spirits. It is now up to you to test this inspired utterance to see if its from God (true).

    Here are three links on the subject I believe will excite and amaze you as it has me.

    I wont say too much about the info as I want you fo yourself to pick out some of the significant things in it.

    As you consider these you cannot miss the ironic similarities. Note the structure of the governing bodies, the secret books and info, the pedophilia and the proportions of offenders. You probably can come up with a whole lot more not so clearly identified .

    Malachi Martin and the Enemy Within

    The Vatican

    New World Order

    To unbelievers I say the only way these things occur is by the forces you deny exists.



    Edited by - zechariah on 9 October 2002 7:46:55

  • DJ

    Hi Zech,

    For several years now, I have become all to aware of the common grounds between the WT and Catholisism.( The Milingo link doesn't work, by the way) I didn't read the link you posted, sorry. I just wanted to ask you a question about it though. It confuses me that theses two religions are so similar ie: unbiblical burdensome rules of man, the claim to have the sole speaker of the holy spirit, the oddities w/ regard to communion, the belief in human merit to earn salvation, etc... My confusion stems from a teaching of Christ where he says that satan can't cast out satan because a house divided will fall....well, the jw's hate the catholics. I would think that they would not oppose each other if they are working for the same cause. Oh, I should tell you that I am a Christian now. Thank the Lord for his grace! What's your take on this?

  • Satanus


    As you know, i agre w some of your theories. I think where you may have muddied your new discoveries, is by trying to wrap them around your old believe structures. It is important to remove the faulty parts of the old before building new. Sometimes, if there are too many flaws, the whole structure becomes weak, and must be leveled first.


  • Zechariah


    My answer to that is simply that even though they are so similar from their own perspective they cannot or will not see it. They each are driven to claim to being the only true religion. JW are the worse in this regard and will not accept even in a small way any other religion having a relationship with God.


  • Zechariah


    There is nothing old in my belief structure. When I started my search for the truth I threw out every belief I ever had and started from scratch. Whatever old belief came that came back I am now certain is the truth. Even the Devil sometimes or about somethings tells the truth. God the creator does not belong to JWs. I will not give him up. That will be like throwing out the baby with the bath water.


  • Satanus

    God the creator does not belong to JWs. I will not give him up.

    This statement contradicts what you said before it.


  • Zechariah

    Please point me how I contradicted myself. What have I said that would even suggest I believe JWs have a exclusive relationship with God. You misread something certainly. I'm as ex a JW as anybody. But there is no way or organization that is all wrong or all right.

    Is it I said I threw out every I once believed and starting from scratch what you're referring to. Belief in God is the first one that returned. That took about five minutes.


    Edited by - zechariah on 9 October 2002 2:43:55

  • Satanus

    Because you said you wouldn't give up god, i thought you meant you gave up everything except god. Now you say that you gave him up for 5 minutes. Ok. What motivated you to reaquire a god in your life, within a 5 minute time period?


  • Satanus

    If it's a personal matter, we can drop it, no problem.


  • Zechariah


    We're talking such heavy semantics here. When I said I threw everything out thats not literally accurate. It is precisely true I prayed to God and asked him to teach me the real truth about life. I explained I am willing to reevaluate anything I have learned even his existence to arrive at what is truth.

    So being that the answer to my prayers depended on whether he existed or not that was the first thing I evaluated. Strong belief in God is something for me thats inherent from birth I suppose.

    I remembered in 7th grade English class we had a debate contest. The teacher was giving As to anyone who could prove that God exists. I plagarized something I had heard in Sundays Public Talk that I had taken to heart.

    I stood up and explained. When it comes to works of art a particular artist can be identified by the uniqueness of his brushstroke. Throughout the physical universe there is a unique brushstroke we know of as the atom. It is a complex universe within itself that proves all things had a common maker. This maker we call God.

    I got the A.

    When reevaluating whether God exists or not that is the first thing that came to mind. Now belief in the creator has become my mission in life and my destiny (another reevaluation).

    I also became aware at that time that belief in God had more to do with willingness to believe than with anything else. Fortunately my teacher was receptiive to believing or I could never satisfy her.

    You'll be hearing for a long time all my other reasons.


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