The Truth About Life Is Stranger Than Fiction

by Zechariah 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Satanus

    Without the belief that God exists and that spiritual forces exist there is hopelessness. The world without God is too dangerous to live. Without invisible forces at work to control the affairs of men and limit the forces of nature and the extent crimes men commit the world would have ended long ago. Man does not have the power to insure his own safety.

    I copied this from one of your other threads. It shows that a large part of your reason for believing in the bible god is fear. I would encourage you to face your fears. No doubt you faced many on leaving the wt, however your words above describe another big fear.


  • SYN
    Without the belief that God exists and that spiritual forces exist there is hopelessness. The world without God is too dangerous to live. Without invisible forces at work to control the affairs of men and limit the forces of nature and the extent crimes men commit the world would have ended long ago. Man does not have the power to insure his own safety.

    Nobody saw this tribal "God" you believe in stepping in to prevent the destruction of Hiroshima or Nagasaki, Mr. Zechariah. So where was he? Vacation perhaps? Or is the simpler preposition that "HE" simply doesn't exist true instead? Remember Occam's razor.

  • Realist

    >To unbelievers I say the only way these things occur is by the forces you deny exists.<

    what are you talking about?

  • pomegranate
    Even the Devil sometimes or about somethings tells the truth.

    Not so my friend:

    John 8:44-45
    44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

    Satan NEVER tells the truth because it isn't in him. If the truth isn't in him, it will NEVER come out of him. He speaks ONLY his native language, LIES.

    Rethink your position.

  • Zechariah


    You are distorting what I said. Never did I say I believe it was Gods intent or responsibilty to prevent the destruction at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. That is obvous as he allowed it to happen. I said God did then as he most always does limits the scope of disasters. This is never an obligation but is always a act of love.

    Judging God for the things he allows us to suffer is the exact folly that prolonged Jobs suffering and got him severely chastized. Our perspective of earthly life prevents us from seeing the bigger picture.

    It makes us super sensitive about physial death. This life is not all there is. It is but a University (school of hard knocks) where we receive valuable training for our everlasting existence as spirit creatures.

    Our earthly lives are individual roles for our spirit selves (souls) to play to build a career accomplishment for ourselves for the time all the souls will be judged.

    When we create a computer game like PACman (Planned and Created) we incorporate the potential for good and bad things to happen.

    How well PACman interactively scores in te game depends how well he conforms to the laws of God all which are invisible, spirit things. Just as in a PACman game I already explained but you choose to ignore physical death is not what it is to God as it is to man himself. God is all powerful.

    He has the power of life and death. It is not the individual plays (lives) of the soul that does not die with the physical body that counts. It is the final score he will be judged by at judgement day and whether he will ever incur the death of the soul (the 2nd death). The death of something that is inherently immortal is like an oxymoron in that you cant destroy something that cannot die.

    This is precisely why those said to be imposed spiritual death are said to be cast into the lake of fire and evelastingly tormented there. Spiritual death is not destruction but symbolic of seperation from the love of God.

    How do I know all this. Something from God told me so.


  • Zechariah

    A cute riddle I heard many times before. :)

    A bad man has bad eyes, bad hair, bad teeth, etc. Cute. But not literally true.

    I'll stick to what I said without further clarification.


  • pomegranate

    You stick to a lie.

  • Robdar

    You'll be hearing for a long time all my other reasons


    Are you threatening us? LOL.

    Interesting post. Thanks for sharing.



  • Robdar


    You have email.

  • funkyderek
    It shows that a large part of your reason for believing in the bible god is fear.

    Interestingly, Zechariah projects this fear on to unbelievers, asserting that the reason they don't believe in his god is fear of punishment or disappointment. In actual fact, it seems to be his own fear of "hopelessness" that gives him his "willingness to believe" which is apparently all he needs.

    You are distorting what I said. Never did I say I believe it was Gods intent or responsibilty to prevent the destruction at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. That is obvous as he allowed it to happen. I said God did then as he most always does limits the scope of disasters. This is never an obligation but is always a act of love.

    This is a rather unusual attempt at a rebuttal to the argument from evil. Rather than speculating on God's reasons for allowing atrocities, Zechariah claims that they're not God's responsibility, and that in actual fact, God did do something. The disaster, apparently, would have been much worse had God not intervened, albeit in a limited way. Of course, this is completely unprovable and a rather pointless claim, making his god appear to be either severely limited or largely unconcerned with human affairs. But we're supposed to be grateful for such arbitrary tinkering. Holding this belief allows Zechariah to see his god in action at times when most people's faith is severely tested. This, coupled with his disdain for hard evidence, allows Zechariah to never have to face the possibility that his belief system is wrong. We can see the results of that from his posts.

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