Give Bill a deserved break!

by Derrick 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • Derrick

    IslandWoman, I hope you don't take this topic as a personal attack because none such was intended. In the topic Why is Bill Bowen Attacking Us? the topic's author asks about Bill Bowen, "why is he attacking Ray Franz, Hillary_Step and from what I've heard on this board also Reinhard Lengtat?"

    Bill Bowen is carrying much of the weight of uncovering one of the potentially greatest religious scandals in modern-day Christendom. Even the Catholics are not accusing the Pope and other high officials in the Vatican of molesting children. In sharp contast Bill's efforts brought forth a woman and perhaps many others who are accusing the "faithful and discreet slave" whom JWs, a mainstream religion of over 6 million baptized members, believe Christ himself appointed over his "domestics" and earthly belongings!

    Many can sit in their comfy armchairs safe in their secured homes under democratic freedom and level accusations against any gaffes and misconceptions about those in the public eye. Many good people like Bill and his wife place themselves in the public eye to expose the truth. The result is they face public "stoning" by hypercritical but otherwise good people who hone in on their human flaws and misconceptions about them, from their oftimes misunderstood words.

    IslandWoman wrote on Oct 9, 2002 17:42:To claim Bill Bowen is deeply involved with the silentlambs issues is not enough explanation.

    IMO, that should be adequate explanation.

    My sister lost a son to the blood issue, my niece was molested by her JW father, my family has run the gamut of JW abuse and problems. Yet, we do not do what BB has done, we do not attack our friends. I do not understand this man.

    I have lost close family members and friends over the years to tragedies, and feel intense emotional pain and a longing to see them again in the new world. Still, I have yet to outwardly express these pent up feelings through tears, and I have not resorted to alcohol or prescription pain medication in a vain attempt to numb the pain. However, others equally close to them have shown outward emotions such as breaking down in tears, and have expressed hopelessness and dispair in the possibility of never seeing them again, through the use of alcohol and prescription pain medication. Is it right to psychoanalyze the dispairity between my reaction and theirs?

    Some of those who try too hard to analyze the reasons for differing reactions to these tragedies seem to have drawn conclusions similar to these:

    Psychoanalysis 1

    • They do not cry for those who are gone, simply because they do not care about their loss as much as those who do shed tears.
    • They are delusional to think we will all be reunited in a resurrection, when the likelihood is the dead cease to exist forever.
    • Maybe they are even hiding behind the guise of believing we will be reunited in a resurrection, in order to justify not crying, and mask their true insensitivities and lack of love for those who have died in these tragedies.
    • When they finally do cry, maybe it is to put on a show for others.

    Psychoanalysis 2

    • They cry for those who are gone because they deeply love and miss them.
    • They have the strength to face the most likely probability that there is no resurrection, and the courage not to rely on a concept of God as a mental crutch.

    Psychoanalysis 3

    • The people described in the first two psychoanalyses above likely have equal love for, and deeply miss the loss of, their deceased loved ones.
    • Each human being responds to stress, tragedy, adversity or loss differently and often exactly opposite to others.

    Lastly, who says that Bill meant to "attack" his friends or anyone? Who can know Bill's heart except God?

    You do not understand this man? That is a true statement, because nobody can honestly claim to understand anybody else.


  • PopeOfEruke

    hear hear!

    The topic of that recent thread certainly sounded like s**t-stirring to me.....


  • Pathofthorns

    Bill's behavior as of late has been unacceptable. Likely he needs a break and maybe he needs a reality check too. Yes, he has done alot of good, but that does not excuse him from conducting himself in a respectful manner among friends. And it certainly doesn't give him a licence to outright attack people who are essentially on the same side but might have differing views and perspectives.

    What are we all supposed to do? Wait on Jehovah and turn a blind eye to something that is clearly driving the Silentlambs movement into the ground?


  • larc


    No, we do not know what is in Bill's heart, but we certainly know what he wrote about Hillary and Ray Franz, and I have to assume that his writings reflect what is in his heart, and what he wrote was not good, not good at all.

  • Reborn2002


    Bill's behavior as of late has been unacceptable. Likely he needs a break and maybe he needs a reality check too. Yes, he has done alot of good, but that does not excuse him from conducting himself in a respectful manner among friends. And it certainly doesn't give him a licence to outright attack people who are essentially on the same side but might have differing views and perspectives.

    What are we all supposed to do? Wait on Jehovah and turn a blind eye to something that is clearly driving the Silentlambs movement into the ground?


    No, we do not know what is in Bill's heart, but we certainly know what he wrote about Hillary and Ray Franz, and I have to assume that his writings reflect what is in his heart, and what he wrote was not good, not good at all.

    Well stated.

    He has YET to answer questions raised by both Valis and myself.

    The silence speaks volumes.

  • pettygrudger

    I have the utmost respect & admiration for what Bill has done and is doing. IMHO, Bill has become so entrenched in the war that perhaps he is becoming overwhelmed. Perhaps he was hoping for someone as respected as Ray to come out along with him, giving him the support that perhaps he needs. I don't know why he said what he said.

    But I do think that it is better that we tell him when we think he is wrong, instead of just "sitting in our armchairs" thinking & saying nothing. THE PEOPLE HERE CARE - they care about the issue, they care about Bill. Most are saying this because they care, and for that he should be glad. Glad he doesn't have a bunch of worshipping "yes" men that won't warn him when he ventures into areas that could lose credibility to the very people he's trying to help.

    So Bill, if you're reading, take a break, regroup & get it back together. All here applaud & support your efforts. Many here have in many ways. For so many to be asking you to check yourself on this should say something. Listen.

  • VeniceIT

    ohh yet another thread. I agree with much of what you said Derrick. If you don't like what Bills doing with Silentlambs then why don't you do it? have you been in his position??

    DO YOU HAVE A 1-800 HOTLINE FOR ABUSE IN YOUR BEDROOM!!!!!! So that you have to deal with this issue NIGHT and DAY!!!!! Do you have any clue what it's taken to get SL this far?

    You might not like his attitude or his comments, but his compasion to the victims and his dedication and sacrifices out shine any rude, uncalled for remarks he can make.

    Ray is not a saint and neither is Bill. They are both human beings and are not perfect. In this issue with Silentlambs, Bill has been the one that has gotten the movement this far, and has been on all kinds of programs, interviews and traveled all over. Ray has not, so I don't see how Ray has anything to do with the issue. He does not support Silentlambs, and that's where that should rest.

    Whether Ray supports Silentlambs or not is of no importance. What is important is that victimes are being helped, children are being protected, and justice is being done. LETS NOT LOSE SIGHT OF THIS ISSUE!!!!


  • ballistic

    Venice, I know this is completely off topic, but what you said about night and day telephone service struck a chord. One of our local elders would pick up the phone and slam it down 'after hours'. When he went off call for his company, his eldership responsibilities ended also.

  • IslandWoman


    I never take offense. You are certainly entitled to your opinion as I am to mine. On a side note, I would like to thank you for your dedicated service to H20 and for your dedication to JW freedom and truth. You are among the xJW greats to be remembered and loved.


  • Derrick

    Thank you all for your outspoken opinions. I personally believe that Bill is personally not above criticism and his resolve to is not weakened.

    However, I just want to add to those who sharply criticize Bill, that when a man is busy toiling in the hot sun with little water to quench his thirst his speech might seem terse and his temper may flare. Most of those on this site who criticize Bill so sharply are watching him toil under the hot sun from their air-conditioned offices, lazyboy armchairs with laptops, or on a wireless laptop "wi-fi" connection while they sip lattes or estate grown coffees at some Starkbucks location (grinning).

    In other words, many of you and myself included watch Bill work his butt off while sitting there in relative comfort. I believe that overlooking trespasses and giving generous attaboys and pats on the back to encourage Bill, considering that he's doing all the hard work and suffering for it, is downright decent.

    Those who sharply criticize, in contrast, have good intentions! Hey, good intentions keep paving that legendary autobaun! Good intentions keep widening the lanes to accommodate the increasing traffic going to an infamous place so talked about!

    Bill, always remember that the silent lambs outnumber the critics.


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