I am a firm believer in that scripture that if a person is without sin let him hurl the first stone. I cannot believe the hostility that is going on in the forum. We are grown adults we have opinions but do our opinions and feelings have to come down to mud slinging? So we may or may not agree with the reasoning of some individuals but does that give us the right to use profanity and hurl insults at one another. Are we not past the childhood stage? I like everyone in here and I want to continue to, but sometimes when I see the hurtful things that are said in here I cringe at the thought that we have lowered ourselves to this level. Once upon a time we shared a common bond of love, have we lost that because we are no longer JW's? There is enough animosity in this world that we don't need to add to it. Please would you reconsider some of your words when you type your thoughts down. That is all I ask.