Hurling the First Stone

by orangefatcat 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Reborn2002

    sorry, I dont spank guys!

  • kelsey007

    This is exactly why I say Mr Bowen needs to exercise extreme caution in his public statements and actions. He is the one, along with the silent lambs, who are throwing mighty stones.........

  • kenpodragon

    I don't believe in sin any more. So I am collecting a bunch of rocks to do some hurling. <look out>


  • Beck_Melbourne
    Ok Beck, you are being bad!

    Time to bend over on my knee and get your spanking!

    Thank you Jehovah for what I am about to receive!!

    Through Jesus name - Amen


  • Yadirf

    Me thinks that Mr. Stone-thrower-Bowen finally threw a big stone that riccocheted, and it came back and hit him square in the face.


    Personally, if it were me, I'd rather have been hit in the head with a soft stuffed silentlamb ... if you get my drift.


    Edited by - Yadirf on 10 October 2002 3:47:0

    Edited by - Yadirf on 10 October 2002 3:49:48

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    No, I don't Yardiff. Could you explain further?

  • Yadirf

    You didn't know that the march on Brooklyn, which Bowen himself led, resulted in one of the WTS's representitives getting conked in the head with a stuffed lamb? Now THAT wasn't a very nice thing to have had happen, was it? But, like I say, all said and done the real damage, comparatively speaking, was suffered by Bowen himself ... inflicted upon himself no less. How IRONIC!


  • pomegranate

    Before I hurl a stone, I must ingest one.

  • Yerusalyim

    ALl I have to say is...NA NA DA BOO BOO!

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