Have you ever...

by AGuest 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • dyan4help

    AGuest.....may God bless you and strengthen you in your efforts to carry out your commission.

    You are right....my mind is trying to absorb everything you said. I even printed it out so I won't loose it. Every time I check to see if you answered, the thread is going further back. I can't begin to tell you how I feel right now. I am going to do as you suggested and read the scriptures you asked me to. Tomorrow I will be gone all day so I can't check or answer you. Would you mind if I e-mail you? I opened up my e-mail in case you would like to e-mail me. Please feel free anytime.

    The joy you must feel.....the love.....the peace....

    Thank you so much for sharing with me.

    Bless you...


  • AGuest

    Dearest Dyan... peace to you... and please know that I have emailed you and you are quite welcome to email anytime that you wish. You, and anyone else who may wish to. I don't "change" off-forum and so I am quite open to posting back and forth here... or in private... as you wish.

    Until we speak again, I am,

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • Farkel

    Greetings Sistah Shelby,

    : people can and should speak only when THEY wish to and not because WE want/demand it - and yet, cry "foul" when one stands up for God, who they feel remains silent, while blaming God for His perceived silence

    Fooey. Humans are already held to a higher standard than God. Humans are not supposed to kill. God kills millions every day, rather than saving them, or fixing them so they don't have to die of every imaginable horror of disease. (which he also created, BTW.). Humans are not supposed to be jealous. God is the most jealous being in the universe. I got lotsa more.

    There's plenty damn good reason for God to speak up and to face the entire human race he created and explain himself and his actions and lack of action. All he needs is to take five minutes of all that precious time that he spends personally talking to you, turn up the microphone to full volume and address all 6 billion of us simulatenously. I can arrange for a tele-conference if he needs it. If he did that, he would have 6 BILLION loyal believers instantly.

    Nah! That's too easy! He'd rather do it the hard way and talk to people here-and-there who would then have us believe he's doing that without a shred of evidence to prove it.

    Bible-God always did like to make things tough for us. I really don't understand him. In don't want to understand him. He's goofy.


  • teejay

    Uh... Shelby...

    ... now... *that* was deep. Seriously. Probably the best thing you've ever done here. I'll do some checking...

    In the meantime ... you broach, in a very clever way (I might add) the subject of "Misunderstandings", especially in the spoken context, let alone the written context.

      You thought you heard "blah, blah, blah" but what I said was, "la, la, la."

      You thought I said, "____". Hmmm. Could I REALLY have said that? Without meaning to?

      Yeah... the other day I said, "the moon looks like green cheese this evening," but is that what you thought I meant? Well... I didn't. Not really."

      ... and so on and so forth...

    The thing is... sometimes--strange as it may seem--I am truly in the wrong and the other person is totally in the right!

    I DID say it (or may very well have) like they say I did, but only chose my words poorly. I MAY HAVE said this or that without giving it much thought... you know... not really listening.

    Then, too... there's always the possibility that the other person heard me wrong, didn't hear what I was sayin', for an instant wasn't paying attention to my every utterance...

    ... and so on and so forth.

    Nice thread, Shelby. Real nice.

    Made me think.

  • AGuest

    Hey, there, Daddy-O... peace to you... and "phooey" right back at 'cha... 'cause you KNOW better!

    Fooey. Humans are already held to a higher standard than God.

    Uh, actually, we're not... and you know it. Just pickin' at straws, you are. Those "high" standards that you're speaking of are imposed on humans... by humans. In what have I judged you, dear one? In what have I been TOLD to judge you? Nothing. And you know it. I have been TOLD to... and DO... love you... and you know that, too. It is all that I owe you... and I pay my debt. You know that, too. And THAT is the "standard" I am held to... and you know that... too.

    Humans are not supposed to kill.

    Not true. Humans... are not supposed to commit MURDER... and there is a difference. And you know it. We all "kill" everyday... if not in our hearts... then in our minds. And if not there, then certainly in the meals we eat and pests we exterminate. And you know this, too.

    God kills millions every day, rather than saving them, or fixing them so they don't have to die of every imaginable horror of disease.

    Man... kills man. And you know this, too. It is man that disregards what is "good" for him... placing more value on his six figure home and five figure car... than on starving children who do not live near him... on keepin his Johnson "up"... than giving medicine to the sick (do you KNOW how many sick people could be cured on what they charge/spend on Viagra?!!). You know this, too.

    (which he also created, BTW.).

    Humans spread disease, Daddy-O. Just ask any Native American alive at around the time the Europeans got here. Ask any crack baby, or one born with AIDS...

    Humans are not supposed to be jealous.

    Because of the harm it would cause another human being... yes...

    God is the most jealous being in the universe.

    And He admits that. What 'god' does He cause harm by being so?

    I got lotsa more.

    'Course you do...

    There's plenty damn good reason for God to speak up and to face the entire human race he created and explain himself and his actions and lack of action.

    Oh, yeah... like YOU'RE gonna listen! You don' t even listen when someone is "sent" to you to PREPARE you for it... do you? Why? Because... you are like everyone else: you are afraid He IS going to speak... and you know you're not all that "clean"... so, you're not sure you want to hear what He has to say... to YOU! 'Cause, He ain't gonna talk to you about nobody else... BUT you. And you know that, too, don't 'cha? But... you ain't tryin' to hear that, are 'ya? 'Course not.

    All he needs is to take five minutes of all that precious time that he spends personally talking to you, turn up the microphone to full volume and address all 6 billion of us simulatenously. I can arrange for a tele-conference if he needs it. If he did that, he would have 6 BILLION loyal believers instantly.

    Oh, pleeze! Someone was "sent" to YOU. Did you listen? No, wait... let me ask the RIGHT question: did you WANT to? (Now be REAL careful here, Daddy-O, and remember the title of this thread. 'Cause no matter WHAT you or I tell these nice people here... WE both know what really took place, don't we, sittin' on the wall in Pacific Beach? What we REALLY discussed... what I asked you... and what you answered. Don't we?)

    Nah! That's too easy! He'd rather do it the hard way and talk to people here-and-there who would then have us believe he's doing that without a shred of evidence to prove it.

    You had your "evidence," Daddy-O. Unless you're a liar. And I truly don't think you're one. Again, be careful. Try to remember our conversation... and THINK before you respond.

    Bible-God always did like to make things tough for us.

    No. He actually made it QUITE easy for you. You didn't need to go anywhere, didn't need to buy anything. Nothing. He heard YOU... and responded: someone came. Yes? In answer to at least TWO things you prayed for. Yes? And such one SAID they were there... because they were sent. Yes? Careful, now...

    I really don't understand him.

    The saying is true.

    I don't want to understand him.

    Again, the saying is true and... therein lies the problem, doesn't it?

    He's goofy.

    Hmmmm... maybe I erred: maybe SOME of us were made in His "image" after all. 'Cause you're goofy, too! Nahhh, only Adam (but then, looking at what he gave up, goofy doesn't even come close!)

    Peace to you, my dear Daddy-O! My peace... AND my love... remain.

    YOUR servant, friend, and a slave of Christ,


  • AGuest

    Teej, my brutha... I luv you, too!

    Peace, dear one!

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • notperfectyet

    <sitting on my chair waiting for Farkels reply>

  • Farkel


    Do you really want me to answer you, point-by-point?

    For starters, you said he sent someone to me, but that's my whole point. What about Joe Blow in Katmandu? Did Joe get someone sent to him, too? How about the other billions upon billions of Joe and Jane blows that live and have ever lived? Am I more worthy than them? No, I'm not.

    I still think it would be much easier on God and the rest of us if he just did something simple for a change: appeared to all of us and said it like it is. It would cost you your job, but we'd all be better off. Why can't God just do simple stuff, instead of all that voodoo stuff?

    Skeptic Class, but Not Hard-Hearted

  • SatanSpawn

    AGuest, honey, ol' Scratch say howdy. Axe how you enjoyin' yo fruit of his labor? Say he be roun' t' c'lleck on y'all contrack shawtly.


  • AGuest
    Shelby, Do you really want me to answer you, point-by-point?

    Now what do YOU think? Truly?

    For starters, you said he sent someone to me, but that's my whole point. What about Joe Blow in Katmandu? Did Joe get someone sent to him, too?

    Well, methinks it all depends on whether good old Joe... ASKED. If he did, my response would be yes, of course. How would we know? Well, most probably, like your good self, Joe Blow can't... or won't... tell us. Why? Because (1) either he FORGOT... or (2) doesn't want the world to know that he was foolish enough to turn it down/ignore it. So, we would have to ask the one SENT to Joe Blow, yes? You let me know who that is, or put the call out... and I'm sure we'll find out, if such one is still alive. (Yes, my response was about as "foolish" as your question, but...)

    How about the other billions upon billions of Joe and Jane blows that live and have ever lived?

    Well, honey, SOME of them... in fact, MANY of them... have copped to being answered/responded to. Yes?

    Am I more worthy than them? No, I'm not.

    Good think you answered your own question, methinks. I wouldn't want to hurt your feelings.

    I still think it would be much easier on God and the rest of us if he just did something simple for a change: appeared to all of us and said it like it is.

    Uh, He tried that, remember? And "us", Israel, said, "Hey, wait! No, we can't bear it!" and sent someone FOR them. Re-mem-ber?

    It would cost you your job, but we'd all be better off.

    What, you think I get as tired of you as... nevermind...

    Why can't God just do simple stuff, instead of all that voodoo stuff?

    It was simple: you cried out, He heard, He responded, you didn't listen, you cried out again, He responded, you didn't listen, you cried out again, He sent His Son, you didn't listen, you cried out again, He sent me, you didn't listen... and you're still crying. Simple. Very.

    Farkel, Skeptic Class

    and "contentious" class... but isn't that Israel's forte? Always been?

    but Not Hard-Hearted

    Which is why He has not closed HIS heart... or ears... to you!

    Peace, Daddy-O!

    YOUR servant, friend and a slave of Christ,


    (Oh, and COMF? Get a grip. Your "character" is gettin' old. Like you.)

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