What show scared you as a kid?

by Been there 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • DanTheMan

    I remember seeing some parts of The Shining when I was a kid. It affected me pretty bad, I was a very sensitive and impressionable kid.

  • NeonMadman

    The Exorcist? The Shining? Shoot, I was all grown up when those movies came out!!

    Know what scared the crap out of me when I was little? Sleeping Beauty! I couldn't sleep for a week after seeing that bad ol' witch with the green flames all around her!

    When I got a little older, the original versions of Invaders From Mars and Invasion of the Body Snatchers gave me the willies, too.

  • DanTheMan

    I forgot to mention the flying monkeys in The Wizard of Oz - scared the bejeezers out of me! Also the scene when the Witch locks Dorothy in that room with the hourglass, and they keep flashing back to it, Dorothy crying and all...like I said, I was a pretty sensitive kid!

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Oh wow, the Thing! I remember that. I was so creeped out when they opened the door to check outside and there it was. Black and white was always scarier than color. But the scariest to me was Psycho. Not the shower scene, although that was scary, but remember at the end of the movie when Vera Miles is walking up to the house to talk to Momma and the camera stayed on the front door the whole time. I just knew Momma was gonig to come prancing out with a knife any second. Then when she went down to the cellar and Mother turned around and all you saw was the skeletal face. I remember that light bulb swinging back and forth. Oh and the music was creepy too.

    I wasn't scared of the movie, but the organ music from the Ghost and Mr. Chicken with Don Knotts kinda creeped me out too. As well as seeing the organ with blood on each keys! I saw that when I was maybe 8 or 9 and that kept me up a few nights!

  • joannadandy

    The Incredible Hulk

    (Despite everyone telling me -- "no hunny he is the good guy", I never believe them. Once the Hulk was on Mr. Rogers. Mr Rogers was trying to explain the hulk was just make-believe, and was really a good guy, and normal man under all that make-up. I however didn't fall for it!! Instead I never watched Mr Rogers again because I was afraid the Hulk might come back)

  • Been there
    Been there

    I didn't think about the wizard of oz but yes it scared me too. The monkey's flying out of the castle and the witch. The old B movies at the drive- in were fun. There was the one where these huge ants were attacking. Those ants where VERY big at the drive-in. But I have fond memorys of being a kid playing up front on the swings, slide and merri-go-round waiting for the movies to start. Being outside on a cool night will bring back the memories. Had a few more memories as a teen.............won't go there!

  • terabletera

    I don't recall what they were called individually but me and my brother would stay up on friday nights, pray that the folks wouldn't watch Johnny Carson so that we could see "the outter limits" and then right afterwards, "creature feature"

    Unfortunatly Creature Feature was often some stupid "creature of the black lagoon" and they must have made seven or eight of those and they just weren't scary after the first one. Ah well, anyone remember the outter limits when the astronaut breaks the time warp or something and his wife got caught in it too and they are moving thousands of times faster than their surroundings? Was a cool one. I must have been like 9 then. It didn't scare me but it was cool. A lot of the other ones scared me though.

    Tera(growing up in the 70s made for some excellent television cinema)

  • Outaservice

    CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON which by the way was an early 3-D movie.

    The other one, the most scarry is, THE NEW WORLD SOCIETY IN ACTION. A nightmare!

    Outaservice (but still countin my time)

  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    I wasn't allowed to watch scary movies as a kid..but as I grew older.."Texas Chainsaw Massacre"!.. I think it really bothered me because it was based on a true story! I couldn't believe there were people that could do something like that!

    The horror show based on true stories..they were the worst. The other ones I could convince myself that they weren't real!..

    After reading a few of the posts...I have to agree on Karen Black's roles..

    And ..I still get chills whenever I see the birds lined up on the telephone wires!........."The Birds"...


    ps...As a child I wasn't even allowed to watch "Johnny Carson"...

    And my parents weren't even JW's...

    Edited by - Golden Girl on 11 October 2002 21:13:55

  • Windchaser

    I'm with Mulan. One Step Beyond gave me the royal creeps. The two that stick out (no, not boobies) are 1) when this group of close friends all meet for a reunion a year after WWII and one friend comes in on his glider, dead, and 2) the one about the blood stain of a skull that won't wash off the wall. These stories were all based on facts. Pure creepiness.

    The first movie that made my back go all tingly was Vertigo. When we got home from the theater, I had an incredible fear of going up the dark staircase entry into our house. Had nightmares for weeks. Madelyn. The name gives me the creeps to this day.

    Edited by - windchaser on 10 October 2002 23:59:19

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