Does Anybody Know A C.O. Named Shepherd???

by minimus 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • BadJerry

    This man may be all of what you here have said, but he sure doesn't know how to handle "head-cases"! Here's the story:

    Back in the early 90's a brother who was under severe emotional stress due to a failing business stopped by a hall in S.D. Told the elder he met going into the hall for early morning field service that he needed to talk to someone. The elder said he was in luck because the C.O. was visiting. The brother with the problem then got to meet brother Shepard. He told him how troubled he was and that he even had a shotgun in the front seat of his jeep. This really shook up bro "S"... but instead of doing anything, he allowed this mixed up suicidal brother to get into his jeep and drive away. Luckily for the brother and his family, a piece of skin got between the hammer and the slug. Also, two much more caring and compassionate elders came to rescue that lost "sheep", but no thanks to bro S.

    You see, if you think this is just another "urban legend", believe me its not...I'm that brother. If this is the same C.O that I met, don't any of you who may need help with anything more than WT crap trust this man. He and others like him in a position of responsibility and expectation of being able to counsel are the reason so many really do DIE.

    Sorry for the vent, but this really brings back the horrors of that time. Its one of the reasons I would never trust anything more than the washing of my toilet to these kind of people.

  • roybatty
    know him. His name is Eric and his wife's name is Julia. He's very, very tall and never cracks a smile. He gave up a very lucrative position with either CNN or TBS to become a CO.

    Yes! Now I remember him. He was my CO about six or seven years ago when I was appointed as an elder. You're right about him giving up a job at CNN. He's a by-the-book CO but overall he was pretty decent. What I recall most about him was his telling of an account of three elders raping a sister during a judicial hearing in some other circuit. This poor woman had a complete mental breakdown but years later one of the elders confessed. Not sure what the outcome was. Very, very sick story. I can't totally recall the point he was trying to make other then not to automatically dismiss an accusation against an elder "just" because it was made by a publisher. This was around the time a bunch of letter from the Society were received about procedures on handling pedofiles. Since I was a newbie elder, I didn't realize that this was a change.

    I believe after leaving Illinois he went to Michigan.

  • UnDisfellowshipped


    Thank You Very Much for the info!

  • minimus

    Thanx everyone for the info. Jerry, that was a terrible experience. I'm glad you're still here!!!

  • minimus

    I just heard him for the first time, yesterday. He kept talking about how we MUST DO MORE. And if we don't do more, WE'RE GOING TO DIE......Pretty negative stuff, but the same as always.

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