Kenpodragon a question?!

by mindsweeper 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • kelsey007

    Dear wind- I am not made of better stuff- Though I may get a little loud in the heat of the moment (A LITTLE??LOL) I do keep in mind that this is the internet. There are very few that I know personally here. And there are those that are just plain mean- I know that I speak my mind very well and some are offended by things I say- I never intend to offend, only to make my point clear. AlanF is not the first that has doen such acts towards people on these boards- just first for me- and I am sure he will not be the last. I do get to the point where enough is enough. My point is made- thanks to such friends as yourself- and there is no more I can say. There are many, many people whom I enjoy here and I will not allow a few to spoil the many.

    The good thing is - I can walk away from this at any time I please and not feel like I am leaving my life.

  • pettygrudger

    Kelsey - I know you feel you've been maligned by AlanF - but if its any concellation, you are by NO MEANS the 1st. I don't think AlanF sincerely means any harm, he's just abrasive at times. He actually has done quite a bit to help others understand the blatent falacies of the WTBS.

    I know it doesn't help, but sometimes its nice to know you are not alone in something. And in being attacked by AlanF - you are DEFINITELY not alone. So cheer up!

  • kelsey007

    I do not know this person and to my knowledge have never shared post with him. From the comments he made it seems evident to me where his source of info is coming from- At any rate I appreciate the comments from all and will move beyond this if allowed.

    Free sharing of factual information and differing opinions is one thing- personal attacks based on ???? anything but fact is equal to slander. To say that one means no harm when they do not even know the person they are attacking is hard to understand. If AlanF does not like my posts or my opinions that should be the subject of his posts- not personal things that he can not know about personally. I have never shied away from stating my opinion based on what I have personally seen and know and have welcomed criticism of my viewpoint. But never have I attacked someone whom I do not know over something that I cannot prove.

    Thanks again for your feedback.

  • gumby
    Re: Kenpodragon a question?! Oct 11, 2002 15:56

    Posts: 4
    Since: Oct 11, 2002
    IMHO, NO. I believe in open and honest communication

    Honest communication? How often to you have sex....where....when. When was the last time?

    When was the last time you lied? Do you have any gay tendancies?

    Honest communication! Maybe others do not share your view!

  • kenpodragon
    Honest communication? How often to you have sex....where....when. When was the last time?

    Pregnant wife right now, she is not in the mood that much.

    When was the last time you lied? Do you have any gay tendancies?

    I told the guy at the gas station that I forgot what car I was driving today to explain why I pulled up on the oppisit side from the gas tank. As for gay tendancies, I am told I dress nice. That could be one.

  • Satanus


    You said

    personal attacks based on ???? anything but fact is equal to slander.

    You also said about bill bowen

    For some time I have felt the man capable of many things- things that I will not refer to here-

    Is that not a subtle attack? 'Things' so bad that they couldn't be written about here? 'Things' you admit he hasn't done?


  • hamptonite21

    Even thou me and Dragon do not see eye to eye on many issues. I respect his opinion. This is a place to formally post our opinions. Regardless of the character we may use to post.

  • kelsey007

    Every thing I have expressed has been clarified with "my feelings"-"my assumption" "my gut feel" etc- the attacks brought to me have been bold face lies- stated as if true, known fact. Whatever else I have posted has been based on facts backed by others- AlanF did not say "I THINK kelsey is an active jw" AlanF posted that he knew for a fact that I was- which of course was a lie. His other comments, posted later hinted- and I clarified in my post that I assumed certain things and would beleive them until someone proved me to be wrong- his post hinted strongly toward certain info coming from one source- of course YOU could not know that unless you were in my shoes and had my expereince with this source. Then an strong suggestion was made that my son never was really ill- at least that is the way I took it as well as others....

    If I am wrong in my "asumptions" I will do just as Mr Bowen has done- I will post an apology for any misunderstandings.

  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    You brought up my name online first With the old allegations you tried to pin on me before! You are loyal...but only if people kiss your asse!

    I did it on line because I have no other way to communicate with you! And I don't appreciate having my name drug through the mud with false allegations!..I have had enough.I have done nothing to stir you up! There was no reason for you to start this all over again.

    And I am still waiting for the proof!

    If you can tell your "friends" that you need to protect them from me! I would like to see the proof why! Other than your "Friends" that you have total mind control over......( you could convince them that birds couldn't fly! ) And doesn't it make you wonder why you feel the need to "protect your friends" ? I guess it makes them feel so secure . Or owned?

    Ever notice how it is your goal to make all the posters see "Your way"? You won't give up until they do! Obsession?Probably. OK "Dragon" Your turn!

    After you show me the proof!


    Edited by - Golden Girl on 11 October 2002 22:58:21

  • kenpodragon


    Girl, let it go. I mean it, it is the past. Smile and world smiles back!!! Your husband needs you Snoozy, give a big positive hug of love and enjoy life.

    My thought


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