Dear wind- I am not made of better stuff- Though I may get a little loud in the heat of the moment (A LITTLE??LOL) I do keep in mind that this is the internet. There are very few that I know personally here. And there are those that are just plain mean- I know that I speak my mind very well and some are offended by things I say- I never intend to offend, only to make my point clear. AlanF is not the first that has doen such acts towards people on these boards- just first for me- and I am sure he will not be the last. I do get to the point where enough is enough. My point is made- thanks to such friends as yourself- and there is no more I can say. There are many, many people whom I enjoy here and I will not allow a few to spoil the many.
The good thing is - I can walk away from this at any time I please and not feel like I am leaving my life.