G'day Larc,
I think Russell truly believed delusions of his own making. Rutherford? God knows. The bloke certainly did his best to live a life fitting one personnally chosen by Jesus in 1919 to look after all his earthly belongings ;) It would have been interesting to see C.T.Russell after a period of imprisonment. I believe his eccentricities and eventual self deception and 'most reverend status' were heavily influenced by the wide spread privations and deep emotional and spiritual instability permiating the United States immediatly following the American civil war. (war sends populations crazy ya know)
Whereas it was MrRatherflawed's period in jail, more than anything else that heightened his paranoia against Church, State, big business, small business, unions, Christmas tree decorators and just about anyone else who dared question his authorita! Rutherford, Stalin what's the difference? sorry, i'm no Sigmund Freud so i just gotta say it the only way i know how ... the man had a small dick (or at least he had issues along that line)
Spot on Refiners Fire! Most JW's suspect Rutherford was a dogmatic oger in contrast to Russells milder pragmatism. (officially of course Rutherford was working under a much brighter light than Russell .. perhaps he had headaches? .. booze coupled with bright light and looking after all jesus stuff .. no wonder he was such a grumpy bastard LOL)
ps: Is there a psyciatrist in the house? Has anyone produced a detailed examination of these men? It'd be fun reading.
Edited by - unclebruce on 12 October 2002 7:37:16