Best wishes to all...

by kelsey007 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    I don't want to show disrespect for Kelsey by hijacking his thread..but Wind I am calling you on this supposed "Person" that has constantly harrased YOU ?... Care to discuss it somewhere?..Or are you like Dragon and just want to throw out wild allegations and runaway?This game is getting old!.. Kelsey hit the nail on the had with his thoughts of people accusing and then running away!

    Yet you forgive him for saying all those things about you ?...after you harrased him? Get real..


  • Windchaser

    Snoozy, there is no point in doing this to Kelsey, Kenpo or me. You are under enough pressure with your husband right now. How do you know that it is to you that I am referring? Why are you bringing this up here? I was telling Kelsey about the bad experiences that I've had. Period.

    Edited by - windchaser on 12 October 2002 16:12:46

  • Satanus


    I don't catch everything that goes on here. I know i made a comment to you before. Would you be so gracious as to show where alan's charge was disproved? If everything you say about yourself is true, then you were truly treated shabbily. However, i would feel satisfaction from reading the proof to which you referred. Thanks.


  • plmkrzy
    Clearly there is a lot of hate still lingering among many exjw's.

    It does seem that way. And I can certainly understand how the same old crap over and over can get tireing after awhile. I'm getting tired of it to. I probably won't stop posting just yet. LOL but I expect it won't be much longer before I completely quit and look for a better inviornment.

    Regardless ...Sorry to see you go and if you change you mind I'll look forward to your posts again.

    blah blah blah blah.....


  • Windchaser

    Hi, SS. There is an article in the Tennessean newspaper about Kelsey and that would be a good place to start. Maybe Snoozy can post the link here for you.

    I went through an intense month with Kelsey over the telephone when Jon got sick. No one could have been playing games about the things he was going through. We sometimes talked several times in one day. Not only did he have to come to grips with losing his only son, his ex-wife (who is a jw) and all the elders were treating him like shit and his mother was being evicted from a jw property, a property that had been promised to her until she died.

    Picture this: you, an apostate, are in the hospital, surrounded by elders and your ex-wife and daughter. Your son is in a coma (with ugly blood marks all over his body and blackened arms, hands, feet and legs) and not expected to live. You show kindness to everyone, even bringing coffee to all of them. Your daughter is getting ready to leave the hospital and she goes around the room, hugging her mother and every one of the elders. She comes to you and shakes your hand. How do you feel?

    Why would anyone make up a story like this? I heard the anger, dread and shaking in his voice, the disgust at the elders and his ex. It was not a joke. It was not a lie. I completely believe him, because I came to know him very well before, during and after these things were happening to him. What will it take, Jon's medical records? And, maybe the elders from Mr. Bowen's congregation will post here so everyone can believe that Kelsey doesn't know any of them.

    Edited by - windchaser on 12 October 2002 15:27:20

  • AGuest


    1 Corinthians 13:4(a), 5(b), 7, 8(a).

    May those with ears to hear... hear. And may those without... ask for some.

    I bid you ALL... peace.

    A slave of Christ,


  • blondie

    Well, kelsey, you are the best judge of what is good for you. But I will miss your posts. They made me think beyond the surface of things.


  • IslandWoman


    I'm not sure what's going on with AlanF and you, but I wish you all the best and a speedy recovery for your son.


  • Prisca

    I wish you happiness and peace in your life. I'm sorry that the actions of a minority have affected you. Their true colours will show in time.

  • kenpodragon


    I am sorry it got that bad. I did not know Bill Bowen was targeting you like that. Very sad!!! I hope you stick around though and continue to post. I think a large amount here, don't care anything about what Bill Bowen says or thinks, I hope no one here would let that happen.

    Take Care


    Edited by - kenpodragon on 13 October 2002 5:5:12

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