I'm completely confused, you say Bill said this, then you quote AlanF? Who said it AlanF or Bill? And where did Bill say these things?
Best wishes to all...
by kelsey007 29 Replies latest jw friends
If you want to go just go and don't put some sappy stuff on here for us all to deal with, OK?
Your story about your kid is real tough suff though and my heart goes out to you on this issue!
I spent some time around the Pensacola area. What cong did you attend?
If you arn't going to any meetings and don't intend to return why don't you identify yourself and your e-mail address and some of these people can talk to you off this public forum?
Kelsey, thank you for your e-mail. I tried writing back, but got an 'Over Quota' message, so it looks like you need to delete some of your messages. Write to me when you do and I promise to respond.
I tried e-mailing you again and it's still not working. I will try again later on today.
Have a good one!
Edited by - windchaser on 13 October 2002 15:36:38
I'm completely confused, you say Bill said this, then you quote AlanF? Who said it AlanF or Bill? And where did Bill say these things?
Trauma you may want to go here:
Take care Kelsey and I'm sorry your son got dragged into this. All the best with you and yours.
Golden Girl
Edited because it's not worth it!
Edited by - Golden Girl on 14 October 2002 2:23:4
Kelsey, I just returned from a play (I ushered and got to see Adoration of The Old Woman free! A very good play about a girl going back to her roots in Puerto Rico.) and tried again to e-mail you. It's still not working. Are you sure you deleted and trashed your e-mails?
Hope that you've had a good night and that you read this.
Your friend,
Kelsey Sorry this happened to your son, I wish you the best.
Beck, AlanF said that not Bill, there is not one post by Bill on that thread, so thusly I'm still confused as to why he's being blamed for saying something that AlanF said. Why would Bill be responsible for what AlanF said?
Golden Girl
The other person has blocked your name?..
I Had to do it to someone a while back!
He told me he would be friends or even "more than friends" in E Mail ...but not on the boards..he didn't want to make "Someone" mad!
I wonder what he meant by that?
That is correct, from my understanding Bill did not say anything directly to Kelsey, AlanF quoted Bill. It would be inappropriate of AlanF to quote Bill unless he were certain, as it would be inappropriate of Bill to quote Ray Franz, and so it goes.
To quote a well known identity's unwritten comments, usually leaves room for uncertainty and confusion. We generally are forced to read between the lines...and sometimes clear explanations are not always forthcoming.
I do think however, that if you quote someone else's unwritten comments to make a point, you force them into a defence position in an arguement that is not theirs, which is not always a desirable place to be.