The "pedophile survey" is a way to give information and it be used to give survey results to see the extent of the problem. We have added victim stories and a few other modifications it is a gradual work in progress. Check in from time to time and sign the guestbook. Also a new FAQ page with some very helpful answers. April is child abuse awareness month to reconize such, each are asked to wear a mint green ribbon. Wear yours to show you care about children worldwide. I wonder if Mareno and Brown have gotten their's yet.....
Pinpoint a Pedophile
by silentlambs 21 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Boy, pedophile really turns you on.
You are out of order making jest of this situation. I just hope that you never have to do deal with this in your family.
For a 'nothing' you're really 'something,' FredHall.
It has been my experience that the only men who would dare deny the existence of pedophiles within the organization, particularly since they can take a trip to their local court- lets say, Paramus NJ and look up a Mr. Pandelo (who goes to the North Haledon Hall totally out of his territory) who was df's no less than 3 times and admitted under court to the molestation of 7 children- one of which was not a witness- are themselves covering for their own perversions. As in the case of the Ringwood, NJ Hall who have no less than 4 elders themselves victims in tha past, and who now cover for a pedophile accused in a murder.
As a JW in good standing for over 40 years, I can tell you that not only are you NOT defending Jehovah's name by belittling those who have been victimized by "wolves" within the organization, but you are denying the prophecies within the Bible that fortell these things occuring.
Those who truly love Jehovah are also lovers of justice, and lovers of the examples Jesus set. And He Never belittles or threatened. Nor did he incite people. He lovingly listened to their concerns and provided relief where he could. He went searching for his sheep to shepherd-not to torment with sadistic jabs that minimize their pain & suffering.
You can be sure these things are all happening and that signifies a time of rejoicing. I for one, am looking forward to Jehovah cleansing his organization because it signifies that the time for our salvation is at hand. If his organization wasn't filthy in the first place, it would never be in need of this cleansing. Are you doubting the words of Jehovah? Are you a worshiper of Jehovah? Or just a Company Man?
Fred...I really don't think this is a topic to make light of.
Glad to hear from you Silentlambs.
It seems that Legaleagle2000 is the subject of mind control when he says: "You can be sure these things are all happening and that signifies a time of rejoicing. I for one, am looking forward to Jehovah cleansing his organization because it signifies that the time for our salvation is at hand." W H A A A T !
OK I'm speechless.
God bless you, Silentlambs
thank you, silentlambs, for being there for all the victims. thank you for posting here.
fred-i am disgusted. it seems you have sunk to a new low. my sadness for you comes from the fact that you are probably not ashamed of yourself-you should be.-nate
I am glad your shared your experince, especialy in New Jersey, as I have some friends that live there.
I dont know "what a good standing" is suppose to be.......and why you would uphold an organization that had wolves and cover up such items. BUt this is America , and you are free to choose.
I am wondering as this search goes on for his sheep, this god has decided to put these into an organizattion that holds these items as confidential, these torments of children.
I also have a hard time with the rest of the children who are abused....each and every one of them, the ones who are taught , that their freinds, grand parents, and even parents will DIE , if they dont become Jehovajs Witnesses. THat THEY WILL DIE if they dont become Jehovahs witness, I must have missed that verse in the bible. Jesus only died for witnesses?
I dont EVER doubt GOds owrds, and would enjoy you showing me his word on this Governing body, on the Faithful and discrete slave( IT WAS AN ILLUSTRATION....READ LUKE)
I worship GOD every day, not that it is any of your business, for Jesus told us when asked about praying, to go to a private secret place, not be so public about it all........
I worship god when the sun rises, when a baby laughs and when I see a smile, and my realtionship is not bound by an organization, just as ABRAHAMS was not.........he simply walked with god...........
s -
well silent,
imust say this is not a way to keep this story quiet / it?