Hello Silentlambs:
I have only recently gotten to know about this horrible, discusting problem in the org. and each day I'm finding our more about how widespread it is and I still have a lot to read about.
My first reaction was utter shock that this too could be added to the heap of wrongs being carried out in the name of "being the one and only true org. of God". (I guess I shouldn't be so naive)
How do you answer those in the position of authority in the cong. and on up to the final decision-making level, who say, everyone who expresses repentance deserves to be forgiven either by not df'g them or by reinstating them after the required time of penance when df'd?
Is that the reason they give for allowing these perverts to remain in the congs. or are they trying to not make waves in the non-witness world or what? I don't know enough about the org's. stand on this.
Sorry if I seem uninformed on this...I have a lot of reading to do on the websites that carry these facts.
Had Enough