I've heard a ton of "bad counsel" given by elders such as "you should or shouldn't marry this person", "give up that job", "you should pioneer"........Were you given any "bad counsel"?
What Bad Counsel Was Given To You By The Elders?
by minimus 29 Replies latest jw friends
Was I ever given bad counsel by an elder? No.
Big Tex
The total tonnage:
Don't use the full scholarship to Stanford because Armageddon is near. That my fault for listening.
Don't marry her. -- We've been happily married for 19 years now
You can't see a psychologist. -- Watch me.
You said you'd be better for seeing that shrink. It's been 3 months. What's taking so long? -- Bite me.
Never under any circumstances take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night. -- Now you tell me. You need two witnesses to an act of rape. -- Sit and spin on this.
The two witnesses need to be baptized Jehovah's Witnesses in good standing. I'm outta here. -
Bad advice, now let's see:
"You must be nagging your husband too much! That's why you are getting the beatings."
"Be a better wife as in Proverbs 31 so your husband can be stronger in the truth"
I had similar advice when I was being abused. I told the elders I was tired of being treated like a doormat, one elder said that there are alot of good sisters who are doormats. No kidding!!!
Oh my, the elder said that?
Jurs, that's all we were in the KH. Just a bunch of doormats. How did we ever allow ourselves to be treated so badly? When I look back on all of this now, the person that I am today, would have never put up with any of that crap.
Few elders were ever brave enough to give me counsel. Those who tried found their head handed back to them on a platter after I used the sword of the spirit to cut it off. Word spread fast.
Have I heard elders express wild and crazy ideas? Yes.
"Anyone who doesn't believe the end is coming in 1975 is not a genuine Christian." That brother still gets cranky if you remind him of it (27 years later of course)
"We will only use horses for transportation in the new system."
"There will be no marriage or babies in the new system."
I remember how elders recommended certain books and therapies. I know of some that used to suggest iridology, the study of the iris to diagnose and treat maladies.
Lady Lee
Oh lordy
- Don't get married - the end is near
- Don't have children - the end is near
- Don't get your tubes tied
- You can't teach sign language to the brothers without a head covering
- You should be spending more time at home taking care of your family instead of helping sister ****** (who was dying at home) because your family is your main responsibility not the sister
- Go to more meetings, pray more, and go in service so your husband (the elder) will stop abusing you
- Go to more meetings, pray more, and go in service instead of dwelling on your childhood abuse
- Don't go for therapy for the abuse
- Don't tell any therapist you are a JW
- Beat your children - they need it
- Be more modest when dealing with the other sisters (meaning they were jealous and I should be more humble before them)
- Don't leave your husband
- Don't go back to school for an education
- Don't give your daughter blood (after she was born)
- Don't get baptized (I was 11 and actually am glad now they didn't let me)
- Don't talk so loud on the train for others to hear we are JWs??????
- Don't talk too loud in the service work
- Don't have get-togethers for the cong (it takes them away from the service)
- Don't correct the sign language interpreters who make mistakes (okaaaaayy I'll just let them use the sign for circumscision instead of circumstance)
- Don't miss meetings - forget that you are sick - just get to the meeting because it looks bad if the elder comes and his wife doesn't
- Bring your children to the meeting even when they are sick
- Don't let your kids play with books or toys at the meeting
- Tie your child to the chair to keep them in the seat
- Give the marital due to your husband when ever he wants it
The next one wasn't given to me but was given to the sister who was dying at home
Go to this naturopath for your cancer because the chemotherapy is toxic and can kill you. She followed this advise and was sent home with a tiny bottle of some concoction of 90 proof alcohol which she paid $50 for. I was livid because of this. She died because she stopped the chemo which was shrinking her tumor.
Guess I could go on and on and on so.... nite all
Go ahead and run up major debt. 'Geddon is near, so you won't have to pay it all back.