If You Continue to do Bad, Sooner or Later You Will Get Caught.

by John Aquila 12 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • John Aquila
    John Aquila

    When one person finally spoke out that she was raped by Cosby, no one believed it. Then another person came out and the line started getting drawn in the sand. You now had two groups of people. Those that defended Cosby and those that believed he drugged women and raped them.

    There were a lot of heavies that were standing by Cosby, but now even those are finally walking away. They don't want anything to do with him. His career is finally damaged and many are cancelling his shows and appearances. As of July 2014, there was a total of 45 woman that have come forward and said Cosby raped them. Finally a few weeks ago another woman who is not beyond the statute of limitation has come forward and accuses Cosby of rape and this time it allows the police to start an investigation.

    Cosby’s wife has finally admitted that her husband did have sex with women, but she is saying that these women consented to having sex with her husband. She is the last of the last still supporting him.

    I believe the Watchtower has now entered the stage where people are hearing all the bad reports about child molestation, shunning, end of time failure, etc., and even some of the heavies,(Elders, pioneers, Circuit Overseers, Bethelites, missionaries) that were sticking to the WT are finally starting to separate themselves from the organization.

    The reason it seems slow is because unlike Cosby, the Watchtower is world-wide and it is using all its resources to try to cover up. But it’s not working like in the past. Things have changed.

    I think we are seeing history in the making.

  • Vidiot
    I think a pretty strong argument could be made that the WTS as entering the "nightmare stage" of the "wishful thinking" process.
  • sparrowdown

    Just like the women in the Cosby case, the more people that come out and tell there JW horror stories and experiences of borg life the bigger this snowball will become.

    There is no statute of limitations on the pain of having being a JW.

  • kairos


    I hope people start to awaken.
    They will need our help.

  • sloppyjoe2
    I guess I am going to be the one that takes the other side of this. I don't understand why there is always this constant speculation or belief that the end of the watchtower is near or we are on the brink of some mass awakening. As someone who still attends meetings at times, the complete opposite is what I see. Everyone still thinks the end is close. No one talks about or has even mentioned child abuse. And everyone is rejuvenated and abuzz after the convention. I've only known 2 people in over 30 years who left because they no longer wanted to be a jw. We just had two halls split in the city as well. This is all in the United States. So unless there is something going on somewhere else, I sure don't see it.
  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    There's plenty going on, all over the world and in the U.S. The elders in your location might be real nice and holding things together well. Maybe you're all in the same economic strata where there's not much snobbery and snootiness, and no kids/teens are being ignored by the "in" crowd, no lower income folks having a hard time getting to the meetings and being looked down on, etc. No sharp elders with their own biz taking advantage of needy brothers to work them for low pay. Sisters getting hit by drunken husbands and getting told to beg Jehovah to make them better wives. Stuff like that, which tends to awaken the ones affected, but a great deal of the time they try to hide it.


  • Finkelstein

    The reason it seems slow is because unlike Cosby, the Watchtower is world-wide and it is using all its resources to try to cover up. But it’s not working like in the past. Things have changed.

    I think we are seeing history in the making.

    Not to lay an egg on someones dream but I just spent some time working with a bunch of JWS on renovation projects and I didn't get the message that the JWS were on a big decline or even a little one.

    Guys were talking about pioneering and the summer Assembly.

    What I think is happening is ones that have recently left are being replaced by new members, most likely people who've had some hard times from the recent recession of 2009 . As its known once your inside of the JWS, it isn't easy to leave.

  • sloppyjoe2
    There have always been people that leave, it's just always been far out paced by people who join. You can search posts going back 15 years in this board predicting the end of the watchtower is near. In that time JWs nearly doubled in number. It's like some people went from thinking Armageddon is near to the watchtower end is near.
  • Magnum

    sloppyjoe2, I see your point and don't disagree, however, I feel that in another way it could be said the end did come for JWdom. It had to regroup, rebrand, reinvent itself. It knew it was losing to the internet.

    The old JWdom is gone; it did come to an end. The deeper material is history. The deeper discussions that JWs used to have are now rare or nonexistent. The former boldness and confidence has yielded to softness and fear of discussions and questions. It is attempting to hide its history.

    It is not now the religion that I once knew and loved.

  • John_Mann
    In fact the JW religion disappear from each 20 years or less. The Watchtower is gone now is just JW. Org

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