BTTTT just for H*ll of it
US Second Amendment v UK Social Contract.
by Englishman 22 Replies latest jw friends
It is interesting that the anti-gun lobby try to claim that the Second ammendment is only in regards to the State Militia and has nothing to do with the public- yet the Entire Bill of Rights was written FOR the public.
I think part of the 'Culture' we have concerning guns is due to the realitive infancy of our country. Im quite positive that the English who could afford swords 400 hundred years ago did indeed own them (unless they were restricted to nobility! In which case only the wealthy are allowed to have weapons of power- thank God we here are an equal economic employeer). Well since we are now past swords, we carry guns :) Also, lets not forget that we were being attacked by everyone the first hundred years.
I must confess that it had never occured to me that if the UK was invaded we'd all be defenceless!