You Tube Video Ex-Betheliite Ex-Walkill Worker Layed Off!

by cha ching 116 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • JWdaughter

    FISHERMAN: Do you merely TOLERATE being around other JWs that are in good standing? If he had done something wrong, there would be no "toleration" or "good standing". He also wouldn't be concerned with continuing to pioneer if he was not in good standing. They remove privileges when one is not in good standing.

    Yeah, he could be making everything up, but he isn't making up some big crazy dramatic story. This story is just simple and sad.

  • GrreatTeacher

    Fisherman, do you realize that you're making yourself sound like a dick?No?

    Well let me clear that up then. You normally sound like a buzzing cult drone, but this time you've moved right on to making yourself look like a big ol' johnson.

  • cleanideas
    It disgusts me on how cheap Bethel is. This was 20 years ago, but when I was there as a temporary construction worker I got sick with a bad cold. I went to a little pharmacy place they had at Bethel to get some cold medicine. I got there and they said to get 2 cold pills it would cost $.25, yes that's really cheap, but I didn't have any money on me and they refused to give it to me if I didn't pay for it. I was so distraught. Here I was a pioneer, MS, just spent hundreds of dollars to fly to NY on my own, the day before I donated $5 at one of their recreation room donation boxes to play some pool, and here they wouldn't help me when I was very ill just because I didn't have a damn quarter! UGH!
  • flipper

    CLEANIDEAS- Wow, just holy fuc%ing wow. Being born and raised in this cult exiting 12 years ago at age 44 - I thought I had seen it all, experienced it all- but I come on this thread and I'm STILL being shocked by the insensitive,, inhumane behavior of the WT Society and it's representatives. So you are seriously saying that you as a volunteer worker had a bad cold at Bethel and even though you didn't have 25 cents for the 2 cold pills they REFUSED to give it to you ? Jesus freaking Christ ! Why didn't the assholes just give you a quarter to pay for your pills ? Unfreaking believable !

    This man's you tube sounds EXTREMELY credible, and what's more this story can be repeated thousands of times inside this mind numbing organization. I feel so sorry for this young man in the you tube and I hope he has a good support system to help him carry on in his life. I know for a fact that the main reason I left this organization was due to being treated unjustly, unfairly, and not being shown love. It's a criminal organization. It opened my eyes- I'm sure it's done the same for this young man. Hope he has a much more successful life in the future

  • oppostate


    I agree he comes across as very sincere, hurt and very disappointed.

    What's even sadder is you know he'll have to answer for posting that video. He'll be pegged as a BA (bad association) and marked. And, if he reacts negatively to counsel they might just start a JC to address his "brazen" conduct.

    I feel bad for him. Poor guy!


    Wow! But you know, It doesn't surprise me. I've heard of other Bethel workers being treated like that and much worse. This cult just saps you of your strength and any resources they can benefit from, they're a bunch of vampires sucking the life out of people.

  • brandnew

    @cleanideas......i hope you threw the pills back at em......

    But they probably never even let you touch em huh?


  • Fisherman

    There are no "layoffs" from B in spite of what some uninformed morons like to believe. When people are asked to leave, it is for a reason, sometimes the reason is undisclosed. Most people that posted about this, don't know what they are talking about, cannot read , or are deliberately posting bunk. Some years ago, a bunch of people were asked to leave and told to go into the FTW or abroad as missionaries, or whatever they were told, but they were asked to leave.They were not needed or wanted anymore. Many were there for many years. That same year, and almost every year after that if not every year, a bunch of new, mostly young Bethel B&S came in. People come and go all of the time. It would seem that if they were laying people off, they would not be hiring new inexperienced people, but they are. There are few positions that require college degree or special training such as doctors, lawyers, engineers, skilled workers. Such would not be asked to leave. But almost everyone is dispensable. Back in the 70's they encouraged people to stay and make it their career. Policy has changed. Bethel is not a nursing home. Except for a few that are wanted or needed or allowed to stay forever by those that make the decisions, they want people to stay long enough, but they want them to leave too someday. Most people can be easily replaced. New people are applying and accepted at Bethel all of the time, people leave on their own, or a bunch of people are asked to leave in groups. Not everyone that is accepted in Bethel can expect to stay there forever. People that make the decisions, decide who they want to keep and who they want to kick out. But the guy on the video was someone they did not want, not someone they did not need anymore.

    FISHERMAN: Do you merely TOLERATE being around other JWs that are in good standing? If he had done something wrong, there would be no "toleration" or "good standing". He also wouldn't be concerned with continuing to pioneer if he was not in good standing. They remove privileges when one is not in good standing.

    You do not know what you are talking about. You need to learn how to think or read (read DD post) maybe you should shut up and listen to those who know and learn something instead of arguing for the sake of arguing. Doing something wrong in Bethel does not mean sinning. Being there involves spirituality, doing your work assignment and your being a member of the family. For a number of reasons you can be kicked out. He was not Bethel material. They did not want him in Bethel.

  • LostGeneration

    Some years ago, a bunch of people were asked to leave and told to go into the FTW or abroad as missionaries, or whatever they were told, but they were asked to leave.They were not needed or wanted anymore. Many were there for many years. That same year, and almost every year after that if not every year, a bunch of new, mostly young Bethel B&S came in

    So what the fuck constitutes a layoff in your book Fisherman??

  • cha ching
    cha ching

    Such audacity! Beg for money, take the money, spend the money.....

    Take care of the sheep? nope.....

  • Fisherman

    In any book workers are "laid off" because there is no work for them because sales are down, business is slow--there is not work. In Bethel, there is work, and a person can get a job change instead of being kicked out if they want him to stay when the job he was doing is no longer needed instead of getting some new person in Bethel to replace him, that is called firing, asked to leave, getting kicked out, NOT getting laid off. Try thinking instead of asking stupid questions.

    Persons that are laid off are re-hired in the future when business picks up again. That is very very seldom the case IF EVER when someone is "asked to leave" B.

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