We were helped to appreciate the wonderful blessings from auxiliary pioneering.We may not be able to get to visit the householders, especially when it's pouring rain or snowing, but at least we can warm up in the car and enjoy upbuilding association in the car with the heater on.........That's it in a nutshell. What do you think???
LOCAL NEEDS: Let's Auxiliary Pioneer
by minimus 17 Replies latest jw friends
A Paduan
.....and we don't want to hear any murmuring about wanting oxygen
I think it is more like "Oh I have only got 3 hours in this month Lets go and do some rural witnessing to build up my hours so they reach the national average."
car? what car? .. bring back bicycle witnessing i say .. it works ok for the mormons, keeps you warm too .. like kelpie said you gotta watch those hours, a jw without a watch is as useless as Adam without an apple. rain? that's for dancing in where i come from.
ps: what's snow?
Big Tex
Once, during a Ricky Righteous period, I signed up to Auxiliary Pioneer. I was working nights and got off at 1:30 a.m. but I would get up in time to be at the Hall for service at 9:00 a.m. However as the month wore on, so did I and getting by on 4 hours of sleep just wasn't cutting it. So I missed my time. I got 55 hours. Close, but not quite enough. But I thought, Hey it's the effort that counts! Right? Wrong. They had delayed announcing who was pioneering that month until the end of the month. Why? Because of me. The Secretary didn't think much of me, and didn't think I deserved the "honor" of being an Auxiliary Pioneer so when he found out that I (gasp) missed my time for the month, he left me out of the announced pioneers. Nice guy. My woman found out later from his woman that he not only sleeps in a night shirt, but wears a "sleep hat", like in the old movies, or the Econo Lodge Bear.
Big Tex, That old secretary must have had it in for you! We used to count them even if they got 25 hrs.....One of the only intersests I have at the meetings is when local needs comes up. You get to figure out what pathetic issue is of concern in the elder's meeting for that month. Last time it was about giving more contributions to the local Kingdom Hall and the Society.
The Secretary didn't think much of me, and didn't think I deserved the "honor" of being an Auxiliary Pioneer so when he found out that I (gasp) missed my time for the month, he left me out of the announced pioneers.
Not in the congregations I have attended. They are so desparate to have numbers to show the CO that it doesn't matter whether you made your time or not. One month there were 6 auxiliary pioneers announced but only 2 reached their quota. They were all announced at the beginning of the month and no rescinding announcement is ever made. At the end of the month, it was still announced that there had been 6 APs. So the other 4 had the "glory" without doing the work. Not only that, the service committee turned around and accepted their applications for the next month.
In our Hall BEFORE they start the month, they read each name and then applaud after each name is read. ( You better try to get your time in after all that).
We may not be able to get to visit the householders
What worked well for me was to ask people who agreed to a "return visit" what time was NOT convenient for me to come back, then bunch 'em all together and toodle around in the car for a couple of hours calling on people who I knew would not be home LOL