Is it weakness to walk away?

by wasasister 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • wasasister

    Does there come a point in a nasty argument when an intelligent person realizes there is no good to be acomplished, only hurt?

    Does it show weakness or strength to stop a ping-pong-ball of insult trading?

    Is there ever a time when walking away and letting your opponent have the last word is really the winning position?

    Just wondering.

    Also wondering why it is necessary to aruge in public. Anyone ever see a married couple having a big fight in a crowded restaurant? I'm always embarrassed for both of them and irritated that I have to be exposed to their unpleasantness.

    Surely there must be another place where people can endlessly deride and spew forth hatred for each other?

    Oh, wait....there is.

    Wasa, of the "give peace a chance" class

  • Amazing

    Hi Wasasister: I agree that in a war of words it is better to stop early. It is hard, because when we receive a hurtful and untrue string of words, we want to defend ourselves ... it's hard to set that aside, especially when we see the rumor mill treat us as weak, or the opinin of our opponent hinges on false ideasa about us ... I learned that in the episode 9 months ago, and finally decided to stop when I got a threateneing and pathetic email from one party. To many people, fighting seems like the only option. Maybe the key to all this is not in how to react to stinging words like they were bullets, but to take preemptive action at the very beginning and tie our tongues, and prevent the hatred in the first place.

    Edited by - Amazing on 18 October 2002 11:6:52

  • Farkel


    : Is there ever a time when walking away and letting your opponent have the last word is really the winning position?

    The "last word" has no more to do with gaining the winning position than shouting the loudest and longest does.

    The most sensible arguments and facts determine the victor, no matter who has the last word. The problem is, idiots will continue to believe the winner to be whoever champions their cause or who ever attacks their opponent's motives the most.

    But we're not playing to idiots, anyway. Anyone who plays to idiots is already preaching in their own choir.

    Bottom line: walk away from an argument whenever it's no longer any fun for you to continue participating.


  • Tinkerbell4125

    Well I look at it this way.......Is it better to be right or to be happy!!!!! I've learned to save my energy where it counts. When you know you are beating your head up against a wall, why do it. I've wasted alot of energy on trying to prove I'm right about things, only to get me NO WHERE. Life's alot sweeter when you can let things go.

    Don't get me wrong, I stand my ground on issues, but I don't beat a dead horse.

  • wasasister
    wasasister take preemptive action at the very beginning


    Is this a closet Bush/Iraq reference? You sneak, you! Hijack my thread??

    Wasa/of the more gentle teasing class

  • nilfun

    No. No need to swing at every ball lobbed your way. Especially when insults are all that are being served. Best to just let the ball drop.

  • Amazing

    Hi Wasa:

    Is this a closet Bush/Iraq reference? You sneak, you! Hijack my thread??

    Yes, you caught me. Praise BUSH, praise BUSH, praise BUSH you people in the highest!!!!

  • Farkel

    : Praise BUSH, praise BUSH, praise BUSH you people in the highest!!

    At which "juncture' should we do this? [:0]


  • Amazing

    At the juncture that George BUSH and DICK Cheney get together.


    G'Day wazza

    I enjoy a good argument. I can learn more from a hot and heated exchange than from reading an inspired but monotonal essay ( evan one of farks plagiarised rippers ! )

    When you are within a hot verbal intercourse session, you think deeper and express yourself more naturally ( that is to say your natural self is expressed ), it makes for good entertainment and learning, when it is within the rules for such a thing.

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