Perhaps someone out there knows if this is a common JW paranoia. Once a sister in my hall was going to have a baby. Because she wasn't in the "click" no one offered to give her a baby shower. She was upset and told people , including myself she was hurt, so I gave the baby shower. I should point out that I had recently moved into this hall and barely knew this sister. She had been a JW all her life and had been at this hall for a long time but yet no one would have this shower or offered to help me when I said I'd do it.
I brought the invitations to the hall to give out. I'm told I can't do it but I can give out invitations in the parking lot. So I wait for sisters outside to give them invitations and an elders wife tells me I shouldn't even give them out in the parking lot, even though its for everyone and just JW's! Some garbage about how its not kingdom hall related. Sheesh!! So I call this same elders wife and ask her for a list of all the people in our hall so I can mail invitations, I'm new at this hall and I don't know peoples names. SHE WOULDN"T GIVE IT TO ME. Because Now Get This................... If and when authorities come after the elders ro kill them or inprison them she didn't want a" list "around of people who are Jehovah's Witnesses. She didn't think I should have a list either of the JW's , just in case in gets into the wrong hands! I told her that I'd throw the "list" away after I wrote out invitations. I can't remember now if she gave me a list of names or not or if someone else helped me. I just remember thinking what a pain in the butt she was.
Has anyone else ever had a similar experience?