elders paranoid about baby shower

by jurs 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • waiting

    Hey Santa Cruz chick,

    You're from California? Well, that pretty much explains it then

    My mother in law is 80. She offered to alter a skirt for a friend of hers (wife of PO). My mil lives right next to the KH, her fence is next to parking lot - but on her own property.

    She wasn't home, so PO's wife leaves shirt on hanger, hooked over the fence. Her husband drove by, saw the skirt and chastised both sisters for "inappropriate behavior." When mil explained it was "my own fence" - he countered with "But it can be seen from the KH, thus reflecting on Jehovah's people."

    All crap.


  • Francois

    This is all so superficial. If the government wanted a print out of all JWs in the world, all it would have to do is to file suit against the GB, and get the list through the discovery process. End of story.

    You don't know what fear is until a bunch of government attorneys get on your case. They've got all the time in the world, they don't have to worry about showing a profit, and you're certainly not going anywhere.


  • jurs

    I think the no list rule was done because the JW's are paranoid. Everyone is out to get them . Its either Satan and his Demons are after you or the Government, or those that left the org that are called "apostates" or "worldly people. Everyone is out to get the JW's. Teachers are oftened blamed for trying to lure young ones away ect. ect. Their soooooooo paranoid!


  • Wolfgirl

    Yeah, I had the same trouble at every congregation I went to. No lists, no giving out invitations, or even thank you cards, at the KH or at the bookstudy. Weird shit.

  • dmouse
    Sisters in my congergation were always exchanging clothing and things of that nature in the parking lot.

    Didn't you have changing rooms?

    Sorry, I just had this mental image of women stripping off and swapping clothes in the parking lot - the elders WOULD have loved that!

  • czarofmischief

    Sisters in my congergation were always exchanging clothing and things of that nature in the parking lot.

    Didn't you have changing rooms?

    Sorry, I just had this mental image of women stripping off and swapping clothes in the parking lot - the elders WOULD have loved that!

    I bet the elders would have loved swapping their wives even more...

    Let's be real - some jerkheads always make things difficult. But mostly, life went on as normal as it could.


  • Scully

    Similar things happened where I live. It was considered "frivolous" to have a baby shower for someone who already had children and was just having their 2nd or 3rd, etc. or if they were getting married for a second time, it was frowned upon to give them an engagement party or bridal shower. You could get away with it if it was the "first" for some reason. Especially the baby showers - one sister (an elder's wife) said "Well if you give showers for every baby, they're just going to get knocked up again so they can have another baby shower. We aren't supposed to be planning families so close to Armageddon anyway, so why 'reward' them for it? They haven't done anything special, have they?" So much for the thought that children are a blessing and a reward from Jehovah, and that the birth of a child is a "miracle".

    It's interesting how a congregation will discourage social activity by keeping the list of its membership "private" like this. You would think that in such a closed group, social contacts among themselves would be encouraged, to strengthen friendships and relationships, rather than keeping people isolated or limiting social contact to meetings, field service arrangements and assemblies.

    But then again, we're talking about a book publishing and selling organization that masquerades as a religion when we're discussing JWs. The only "valid" reason for them to ever associate together is to push their worthless publications to unsuspecting potential converts. God forbid they should ever make a new mother and father feel that their baby was a welcome addition to the congregation.

    Love, Scully

  • blondie

    I just made my own list. I started first with everyone in the book study group, looking them up in the phone book/infospace and if it wasn't listed, asking them. It is amazing how flattered people can be when you show enough interest to ask for their phone number and address. Then I did that with the elders and ministerial servants. Then I did it book study by book study (if the book studies were listed on the information board) or using the theocratic school list. If someone new came, I would introduce myself and get their number and address. Then all I had to do was update it using the phone book/infospace (etc) once a year. I saw a couple of older sisters who did this when I was growing up. So except for some who guarded their own phone number/address and were unlisted, I had pretty much everybody.

    What a rule-oriented group JWs are! And the most flagrant rule breakers are the ones who make them.

  • shera

    This may not be topic....

    I remember having a party for my 4 year daughter,just to make her happier in the organization.I have family who wasn't involved in the organization,so I invited my 3 yr old cousin.There was wordly children there..........I had cake for the kids and chips....One of my friends husband is an elder.He became a bit and had a talk..sunday and added not have have parties that resembled B-days...while he said that he looked right at me..I wasn't impressed.

    I recall having cakes at get togethers and when they used to have these dances for the teens.I was like whatever.Double standard as always...

  • wednesday

    I just wanted to confirm that form as long as i can remember the jw have been saying stuff like that from platform. No list in case of persecution . No passing out invitations at hall. Once a sis commintted adultry and was privately reproved. her x remarried in god standing at another hall. They would not allow her to have a weddding shower public. Her close friends did however give her one. Wednesday

    Edited by - wednesday on 20 October 2002 18:14:45

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