Comments You Will Not Hear at the 10-20 WT Study

by blondie 29 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    I am easing my way out, Crownboy. I don't go that often. I have a little schedule for when to miss meetings. My work and other non-JW family members make for plausible reasons to be missing during the week but Sunday is hard to avoid. I can phase out mentally during the public talk, but the WT study is a challenge. Actually, I do comment from time to time, a well-thought out one with a Bible basis that cannot be denied. I make the elders uncomfortable but there is nothing they can say.

    I have started doing some volunteer work that is going to take up some more time and I am taking a class next semester to update my credentials. I am planning on going into teaching English to foreign-born adults. I have a knack for understanding foreign-accented English and can speak 4 languages as well besides ASL.

    I'm glad that your parents won't completely abandon you, but it is always good to consider every possible eventuality.


  • Wolfgirl

    Brill, blondie. Love your posts.

  • blondie

    Thanks, Wolfgirl. "It's hard to be humble when you are perfect in every way." Just kidding. What does brill mean? Is it a generational language gap? In my younger days, I actually used the word "groovy."

  • Scully


    I loved this one:

    Know the Bible well so you can tell when an elder is braying, whoops, saying something that it has the sound of Jesus voice.

    I guess we both know a few elders who make @$$e$ out of themselves whenever they open their mouths.

    Love, Scully

  • blondie

    Thanks, Scully. That was actually "inspired." It just came to me out of the blue, must have been holy spirit.


  • minimus

    Hi Blondie, Great synopsis as usual, So family's not an issue for you? How do you schedule your missing of meetings? I can use new

  • blondie

    minimus, just have a job that has meetings too far out of town to get back for the KH meetings. Try having work that takes you out of town from Monday through Thursday night. No one will know that you didn't attend the KH meeting in the town you were in. Have work emergencies come up (manufactured ones are fine too). Unfortunately, I don't have work meetings on the weekend or work emergencies then.

    The important thing is that you are not necessarily missing meetings in their eyes, just missing meetings at your home congregation. Just leave them with the impression that you are going elsewhere.

  • BluesBrother

    May I join the club of the "Present in body but distant in mind" group.My wife is regular and I generally go on Sunday, .

    I have come to look for your posts. Tell me , What day do yo you have your Watchtower study? since it is still Saturday night here in the U K .

    A discussion of Jesus is a refreshing change. I was ,however , puzzled by the scripture on Matt 13.34,35, where it is said that it was propesied in Psalm 78.2 that Jesus would speak with illustrations.

    Far be it from me to dispute with the apostle but no one would read the Psalm and recognise that it spoke a prophecy. lt just does not say that is referring to a future event. .. Any one any thoughts?

  • NewYork44M

    Thanks for the review. These weekly reviews really help me get through the Sunday am Wt study. Although I do not have enough courage to actually print your review and bring it to the meeting, I will be able to endure the 20+ paragraphs by recalling your comments.

  • minimus

    Blondie, I'm getting a job on the road!

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