Did anyone really ever study?

by freedom96 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • jurs

    I studied for the small book study. I tried to study my watchtower for the Sunday meeting, but usually it was hurried. I rarely studied the KM and magazines for service. I was completely overwhelmed!!! I tried to keep up but wasn't able to.


  • garybuss

    As a practicing JW I did minimal study. I did enjoy reading the bible during the meetings but the meaning I got from it did not agree with the teachings of the Corporation. That still did not concern me. I was in a club and I had friends and relatives there and that life was all I had ever known. I was comfortable . . . for a while. . . . then came 1974 and 1975.

    After I had been away for a while I was drawn to research the Corporation and past writings. I read most all of Charles Russell's work as well as Rutherford's and Knorr and Franz's as well as all the current publications.

    When I was an adolescent the Corporation had us studying the Let God Be True book at the Tuesday night book study. That was the main study book for new recruits too. One of my most interesting studies was making a word by word study of all three versions of that book. I studied that book like no JW ever studied it. It explained so much. It settled so much in my mind about my errant education and about the behaviors of my parents and relatives as well as other group members who were indoctrinated with that book.

    The current undertow is still influenced by the Let God Be True book and those indoctrinated with it.

    If one reads that book and then reads 30 Years A Watchtower Slave, that one will understand Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Happy weekend all,


  • dmouse

    Strangely, I study the WBTS gumf more closely now as an apostate than I ever did as a JW!

  • mann377

    The only thing I studied was how to get the HELL out of there!!!!!

  • eisenstein

    I remember one time when one of the elders was having a family study with my mom and my sister and I, the elder got on my mom's case because she didn't underline in her book when she had studied for the study. My mom never liked to underline in the study articles, she had a very good memory and didn't like to mess up the study materials. When my mom first started studying back in 1965 she studied the Babylon the Great book as her personal study with one of the annointed sisters. So she knew her stuff, she just felt it was being disrespectful to write in the books. Anyway, I just remember the elder making such a big deal about her not underlining all of her answers, he thought she really hadn't studied for the material.

    As for me, I used to like studying for the meetings, but the guilt that was poured on if perhaps I missed studying one meeting etc. was too much. And lately, before my subscription ran out I would try to read some of the articles, but couldn't help thinking about the hypocrisy.


  • expatbrit

    I used to study. In fact, I was so keen I started supplementing my study by looking up supporting material from wordly history and science books. That's why I'm no longer a JW.


  • Blueblades

    Studied everything.The list is endless.For over 30 yrs I couldn't read between the lines.It took a crises for me to read between the lines.Blueblades

  • dsgal

    I studied for every meeting and looked forward to every issue of the Watchtower.I was a studying fool.I could never explain how let-down I was when I discovered it wasn't the truth and these couldn't possibly be God's people.But anyhow now I am free and I am looking forward to having a wonderful Thanksgiving and Christmas with my husband and children.

  • freedom96

    I remember the dirty looks I got if I came with study article if it were not underlined showing that I had studied.

    Much worse if you had to borrow a Watchtower if you didn't have one.

  • dsgal


    When my son and I first went to a Sunday meeting we didn't have a Watchtower so I went to the literature desk and asked for some and the brother said they didn't have any extras,so I saw a microphone handler with a couple of extra ones in his hand and asked him for one and he said they were for his family. The meeting was starting by then so I just sat back down and we sat through the whole meeting without a Watchtower.I felt so stupid and out of place.I was glad when my subscription started coming .Anyhow,I overlooked this incident but when more and more stuff like this started happening we got our @$$e$ out of there and never looked back.

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