Unit 5c,page127.When the disfellowshipping is upheld by the appeal committee,there is no further right to appeal.However,if an individual persists in believing a serious error in judgment has occurred, the appeal committee should inform him that he may submit his allegations in writing to the appeal committee within seven days for transmittal to the branch office.The appeal committee will include this statement along with the information being sent to the branch office. ?????????Question:How many are aware that you can appeal an appeal?and dosen't it say ,"There is no further right to appeal."Then dosen't it say ,'If you are persistent, however,you can appeal an appeal ".Notice the second appeal is called an allegation.An assertion made without proof.And then the second appeal which is called an allegation is now called a statement that is being sent to the branch office.Hence,the individual has to present evidence that six men have seriously erred in judgment before how many men in position at the branch office without them ever seeing this individual before them personally.And has not the decision already been bound in heaven? Why then an appeal in the first place, for the Holy Spirit cannot err in judgment.I present this because it has affected many and many have suffered an error in judgment from men who do not and cannot read the heart .And who themselves have admitted they make mistakes when it comes to life and death decisions.I appreciate any elders comments on this subject for the benefit of those who have been disfellowedshipped and those who may face such action in the future. Blueblades
Pay Attention:Appealing an appeal?
by Blueblades 14 Replies latest jw friends
I recently remember being told not to tell some that they have the right to appeal. Of course, it doesn't matter. An appeal is a waste of time.
Minimus,In some cases that may be true,that its a waste of time .In other cases it may prevent a lot of pain and suffering.Even so, my thought is that, should not an individual be permitted to sit before a branch office representative who would explain their decision to that one.Rather than a coded letter being sent back to the appeal committee?And then in hearsay information be judged.Blueblades
The whole format stinks!!!
It is very unfortunate when someone is railroaded out on trumped up charges. There never has been any due process within the WTBS because they due what serves them best! If you feel that the elders have not been fair in exercising due diliginance and have slandered your name this way then hire an attorney to have their f____g asses subpoenaed also the wives that have gossiped. It will set you back about 5grand but you will kick ass like no one else in the cong. GO FOR IT!!!!!!
Let me give you my expierience with appeals....
When 3 elders decided to DF me, they said that my questions to them on the handling of child molestation constatuted apostacy. This was because I would not accept that I just needed to wait on Jehovah. I had "waited on Jehovah" for years and while waiting for justice for my step-sister-in-law another little girl, 8 years old at the time, was sexually abused by my father-in-law. STILL, the elders would not take action against him. This was causing me great distress and I kept going to my local elders for help. I was ALWAYS told that the difference between JW's and other religions was that they can answer ALL our questions. They could not answer the questions on child abuse policies and why Dan was not DFed.
Anyway, I decided to appeal the decision to DF me. I did not put my notice for appeal in within the 7 days they said that I had. I thought I had lost my oppertunity. I called and the elders on my original commitee said I was too late. My husband talked to a friend who was a subsitute circuit overseer and he said that it was a little known fact that I could appeal right up until the announcement was made. My announcement was delayed due to an assembly that week. The elder said that they don't like to volunteer that info. I thought that was very weird and unloving. I then wrote an appeal letter and hand delivered it to an elder on my commitee. We got a call that night that the CO was called and he was setting up an appeal. We had the appeal meeting within the week. I was told to show up at the hall at 7pm. My husband and I went and when we got there at 6:45pm the 3 elders from my commitee and 3 elders from another hall that I had never met were there. They did not chosse any of the elders from the 5 congergations in Bradenton. They had elders come in from Sarasota. They were already meeting before we got there. They then asked me to come in. I went in and cried my eyes out, pleading my case. I told the whole story. That was when the elders on my original commitee started telling the others that I said that I did not believe in God. They also at said that I said that God is a child molester and abuser! I was devastated that they were sitting there and LYING about me! My husband told them that I had NEVER thought or felt that way. I think the first brothers realized they were losing the battle and they needed a weapon. My husband and I were asked to leave the room so they could talk. What happened next really SHOCKED me! We could hear the elders in the "b" school and they were shouting at each other! The elders on the first commitee were yelling at the others saying that I was a danger to the congergation. Then the first elders were excused from the room and they came out and told me that no matter what happened they loved me. I had just heard them yelling about how I was a danger and they wanted me DFed. The elders were called back and this went on for a while. Finally, at about mid-night the elders on the appeal commitee came out and said that I should go home because they were obviously not going to come to a decision that night.
My husband and I left. The main thing that struck us was that we were always told that Jehovah's holy spirit guided these meeting and yet the elders could not only not agree, but they were actually arguing VERY loudly. We knew that Jehovah's spirit was not there or else they would have all agreed.
My husband called one of the elders the next day and he told my husband that they never came to an agreement and they would have to contact the WTS in writing for an answer. He said that the WTS would not write back saying to DF or not to DF but that they would write back with scriptures of mercy or judgment. If the scriptures were of mercy that would mean that they were not to DF, but it seems the scriptures were that of judgement. The WTS themselves decided that I should be DFed.
The whole process was very eye-opening to me and it was after all of that that I decided I did not want to be a JW. Thus started my new journey and I am very happy with where it has taken me. I still have a lot of "issues" but I am heading in the right direction.
What did they ultimately decide about the df'ing?
....but it seems the scriptures were that of judgement. The WTS themselves decided that I should be DFed.
I wrote a DA letter before the WTS sent their letter back. On the day that my DA letter was to be read I got notice that the WTS decision was to DF me. The elder said that he could announce me as DA or DF. He left it up to me. He said that I would have to meet with the elders one more time if I did not DA. I was very sick and depressed at that point so I asked that the announce it as a DA. I also thought that if it was announced as a DA people would be less likely to think I cheated on my husband. They thought I had anyway.... So I guess it was a combo DF/DA. They DFed me, but I also DAed because of their efforts to DF me.
I have heard lately from my sister in FL who said that she spoke to a JW there that said that since the Dateline show everyone knows why I DAed. She said that he said that EVERYONE had watched it and a lot of people are very upset. NONE of them knew that Dan was a child molester. They thought he was a wonderful brother, elder, pioneer. He had moved away before he was caught and thrown in jail. I had followed the direction of the elders and had not told the witnesses in FL about Dan. I am feeling slightly vindicated. It had always bothered me that none of my old friends knew the truth behind my DA/DFing.
All this df'ing, da'ing is tough......... it is too bad that the WTS has to be the way they are. Friends should be friends, regardless. Putting this religion in the way is just not the way Jesus would have acted, IMO.
Maybe one day they will let up, or better yet, most of our friends leave, or just don't care, and talk to whom they want.
What is sad, is that most of our friends would not listen after the fact. The best way is to tell them beforehand. Then they can think what they want.
my thought is that, should not an individual be permitted to sit before a branch office representative
if you mean by branch office rep- A LOCAL ELDER- on your appeal committee you will get anther set of local elders, but if you mean someone from the branch office or ny bethel
you will NEVER GET that as a local publisher0 for the most part only CO , DO get a direct rep from bethel to handle thier case- THE WT would never allow a local pub to put them in such a legal mesh so as to have your cased handled directly by bethel
they will always use the elders so that any decision made right or wrongly handled THEY CAN BLAME THE LOCAL ELDERS