Pay Attention:Appealing an appeal?

by Blueblades 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Farkel

    : When the disfellowshipping is upheld by the appeal committee,there is no further right to appeal.

    Blanket statement. End of conversation. Period: No further "right" to appeal.

    : However,if an individual persists in believing a serious error in judgment has occurred, the appeal committee should inform him that he may submit his allegations in writing to the appeal committee within seven days for transmittal to the branch office.

    Wrong. There is, indeed a further "right" to appeal. The Watchtower society is so full of shit.

    Besides that, there is ALWAYS another Court higher than the mighty Watchtower Corporation that they don't want us to think about: God.

    They don't like that part. God can take their two-bit Cult and fuck them up. Unless God likes two-bit Cults. If that is the case, we're ALL screwed unless we also like two-bit Cults. I hate two-bit Cults, so if God likes them, then I'm definitely screwed.


  • notperfectyet


    You are talking about God???!!!!!!!

    Then their is a God!

  • Farkel


    : You are talking about God???!!!!!!!

    : Then their is a God!

    Of COURSE there is a God, you silly. She's that overweight black lady on welfare living in the battery district in Manhattan. She wears a big hat with flowers in it, doesn't shave her armpits and smokes like crazy. Most importantly, she doesn't go around destroying entire civilizations and planets because she's pissed off at something. She likes prime rib. This is good. She thinks Democrats are morons. This too, is good. Whenever you pray to her, she responds with "you got it brotha, and then never delivers on it." I'm used to that, so that too, is good.

    Sometimes we humans need to invent a God who is more like us than like the ideals we cannot possibly meet, so I did just that. I love my God. She's way kewl and she likes me. I would never invent any kind of God that didn't like me.


  • notperfectyet


    The black lady in Manhatten dumped you a long time ago...sheesh...keep up with your e-mail.

  • yumbby

    You could always do what my mom and I did. She was disfellowshipped for apostasy when she started partaking, she then appealed. Appeal denied. So her and I drove 2000 miles to bethel, where she made a scene at the front desk until two "service" representatives offered to speak to her. Case was reopened with another congregation investigating. The decision was then recinded (and announced as recinded) which means legallly it never happened. Whatever. its all a bunch of horse hooey anyway. I won't DA myself because I'd feel like I was playing by their rules again.

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