What Pleases You?

by Robdar 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Robdar

    I have had a rough week. My health is not good at this time. This week I discovered a whole new depth of agony. There were times that the pain was so bad, I wondered what the point of life is...is it to suffer and then to die? What kind of meaning is that?

    While I was waiting in the wheelchair for the car to be pulled around to take me home from my first visit to the emergency room, an older black man came up to me and asked if I had ever had a migrane before. I told him yes. I could see in his eyes that he was suffering. I told him that I hoped that he was feeling better soon. He said thank you and took my hand. As I clasped his, he said, "If I could take your pain from you, I would do so."

    This touched me. That a stranger to me would show me so much compassion. I looked into his sweet eyes and saw that he was sincere. I thanked him, then I was overwhelmed with appreciation and I stood up and hugged him. As I sat back down in the wheelchair, I noticed that the entire waiting room was looking at us. Many of the people had a look of incredulity on their faces.

    On my way home, although I was still in pain, I couldn't help but smile because of the kindness this old man had shown me.

    Sorrow and joy, pain and beauty. This life is a tapestry of rich opposites. Even though life is truly horrific at times, there is still much that pleases me.

    I have made a top ten list of my joys this week and wanted to share them with you. It would cheer me if you would share your's with me:

    1. The first on my list is my son....We got through his tumultuous teen age years and he still loves me. He still hugs me and kisses me even if we are around his friends.

    2. My son's girlfriend. What a beauty...I look forward to the grandchildren that she and my son may give me one day. Thank you Alicia for doing my dishes while I was at the hospital.

    3. My pets....They were all there to greet me and give me luvins when I got home from the hospital.

    4. My parents....who have been the best parents they know how to be.

    5. Dear friends who stop in to see me while on their way through town.

    6. Making up with internet friends who I thought would never want to speak to me again.

    7. Breakfast at my favorite restaurant, the Corner. If you are ever in KC, this is the place for award winning biscuits and gravy.

    8. A sunny, autumnal day with the smell of walnuts in the air and the leaves crunching under my feet.

    9. A favorite movie on the TV.

    10. A big bowl of toffee flavored popcorn.

    11. The dog licking and tickling my feet.

    Okay, I listed 11 instead of 10. But once I got to thinking about it, I realized that there is even more to love about this life.

    It's your turn now....What pleases you?

    "If you desire peace of soul and happiness, then believe; If you would be a disciple of truth, then inquire."

    "Set me as a seal upon thine heart, for love is strong as death."

    Edited by - robdar on 20 October 2002 13:45:36

  • blondie

    Nice post, Robin. Kind deeds done and received actually raise certain chemical levels in our body that relieve pain.

    This one though would push me over the edge. I could take any torture but this.

    11. The dog licking and tickling my feet.

  • DebraDoll

    The #1, most pleasurable experience is:

    Being encouraged by the positive attitude, word, actions, and acknowledgements by one eduring possibly the most difficult times ever! To remain fixed on the prosperous aspects of your own life as you make evident, shames me, for wasting even a moment of reflection on the uncomfortable, temporary situations I may be facing. What an unselfish person you are to open up this way. I for one, as I expect many more will follow, thank you deeply and wish much blessings your way.

  • COMF

    When I bought my new home in June, I looked forward to having my own big sprawling yard to play in. But the grass grew so fast, it needed mowing about every five days; from weekend to weekend it got an overgrown look to it, and I spent part of almost every weekend this summer mowing and weedeating, which was at least a half-day job. I wanted to maintain the place myself instead of hiring someone, but jeez, I didn't realize the amount of work that would go into it!

    So, just when I was starting to lose all the fun part of it, the weather cooled off, the grass stopped growing like mad... and I got the neatest surprise! Mind you, I don't know anything about lawns and gardening. I'm having to learn from scratch. My understanding was that I had bermuda grass in my yard. I don't know, that's what they told me. Well, whatever it is, one morning it all burst into these beautiful white blossoms all over the yard. It looks like snow! Two weeks now it's been like that, and I've been able to skip mowing and cutting all the flower tops off, because the grass quit growing! Only a couple of my neighbors have these flowers, and nobody with the profusion of mine.

    Last week, I was walking across the lawn with sandals on and scooped a bee up between the sandal and my foot. He expressed his indignation in that way that bees do, and I had a closer look. My yard was alive with honey bees moving from blossom to blossom! Kewl! ...in spite of me having to hobble on the side of my foot for the rest of the day.

  • gumby

    I have had a rough week. My health is not good at this time. This week I discovered a whole new depth of agony. There were times that the pain was so bad, I wondered what the point of life is...is it to suffer and then to die? What kind of meaning is that?

    Bingo! My feelings too sometimes. Sounds like were in the same boat. Some days are waaaaaaaay better!

    One thing that pleases me that wasn't mentioned is something I can't mention. My wife knows what it is though.

    Hope you feel better soon. Your a Gem to the Forum

  • Dismembered

    Re: What Pleases You?

    Not going to the KH, out in service or assemblies.

    Smoking a cigar now & then.

    My family

    Exjw friends

    My job

    and most of all my hat!


    Edited by - Dismembered on 20 October 2002 12:38:44

  • Francois

    COMF - that kinda looks like clover.

    If you want a yard that doesn't need so much mowing, overseed with Centipede. It grows OUT instead of UP. Of course I don't know if centipede will grow at your lattitude, but it's worth asking.


  • pettygrudger

    OH man - such thought provoking questions on a sunday mornin

    #1 - My husband, my strength, my rock, my life....Never being a JW, his common sense at how the world REALLY works has always been a source of comfort. His intelligence, his warmth & his humor (and his wonderfully sinfully good looks).
    #2 - My beautiful older son Kev (15). To be a teenager & be growing through all his "rebel" stage but still finding small ways to touch my heart even if he doesn't mean too. His self-assuredness & deep introspect never ceases to amaze me - he will be more than I ever hoped to be & for this I am grateful.
    #3 - My younger son Nicholas. His autism & apraxia pose daily challenges for himself & everyone around him. Yet the perseverence he shows, the courage & the drive to understand the world around him & for everyone to understand him. Having a child w/special needs has taught me some of the greatest lessons in life.
    #4 -This break from foster parenting (as selfish as it sounds). Actually, I appreciate the ability once in awhile to be totally selfish, and not feel guilty for it. For me, this was a hard lesson to learn.
    #5 - The realization that I can do anything I want to do - I can & will go back to school once hubby is finished. I can & am typing on this computer instead of the endless piles of laundry that I know are in the laundry room.
    #6. The fact that we went to a breakfest buffet this morning instead of another pile of dirty dishes in the sink.
    #7. The fact that we still have the rest of Sunday to spend with my children.
    #8 - The wonderful people I'm coming to know on these DB's - gives me a release for the lil ex-jw that always thought she was alone.
    #9 - The fact that my husband & I have a beautiful home over our heads, good jobs & a little sense of security.
    #10 - The fact that I'm almost done with this list, as I'm horrible at thinking positive for long periods of time!!!!
    #11 - You Robdar for starting a beautiful thread - I've read the previous posts & am reading the thoughts of some extremely loving and caring people

  • LB

    I used to be very fat. It came on late in life (after 40) but it came on strong. I went from 175 to 330 pounds in just a few years. My doctor gave me less than a year to live, maybe 6 months. So I had a gastric bypass operation. I've lost all the weight and I am living a life again. This makes me happy. It's been over 3 years now and I'm as active as I was in my 30's.

    So every time I ride a bicycle, climb, job, scuba, surf or do anything outdoors, I am very happy. Life got pretty good. Of course I have days where some old age pain sets in, and it's depressing, but I'm here and I'm alive.

    Visits from my grandaughter and her mommy always cheer me up too.

  • Preston

    I enjoyed reading your post today (hope you're feeling better sweetie). During my tenure as a fully fledged member in Hall of Hell I don't think I heard words as genuine as these: "If I could take away your pain, I would." Do you realise how lucky you are to have a son who loves you and a future daughter.

    A toast to the richly blessed suthun' belle known to us as Robyn...


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