Prez. Clinton into the Hall of Fame

by teejay 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    Bush is an idiot period

    Whatever....that still doesn't make Clinton "the Messiah".

  • wednesday

    I can't debate politics with u guys- . But always thought clinton was just adoreable and can see why the ladies like him. :)> I always thuoght Hilary was a very cool lady and she and Bill definiitely should have parted ways long ago.

  • Francois

    Trauma Hound - You represent yourself with a picture like that and still have the balls to call someone else an idiot? And instead of a careful, rational, conservative Bush, you'd rather have an egomaniac who can't decide what party he's in, who wants the country to follow his every utterance like his stepford wife - one of the few senators who nobody else in the senate can tolerate. Great choice of diplomatic acumen as well. I hope you're not registered to vote.

    Oh, and there's no comma in primaries, your use of "primary's" is indefensible.

    Did you graduate 8th grade? Yeah, we need more of your well thought out political commentary.


    Edited by - Francois on 20 October 2002 17:14:31

    Edited by - Francois on 20 October 2002 17:14:44

    Edited by - Francois on 20 October 2002 17:16:42

  • DakotaRed

    Interesting outlook so many have.

    Democrat President + Democrat Congress = Republicans screwing everything up.

    Republican President + Democrat Congress = Republicans screwing everything up, but D.C. saves the day.

    Democrat President + Republican Congress = Republicans screwing everything up, but the D.P. saves the day.

    Republican President + Republican Congress = Republicans screwing everything up, but idiots such as Daschle and Gephardt saves the day.

    Lew W (of the still shaking my head calss)

  • teejay
    Personaly, I'd rather have the most leacherous person with the absolute worst morals in the world in charge as long as they do the job well.

    Well said, Jesus. Shouldn't *that* be all that matters?


    It has always been hilarious to me that Clinton supporters can't get it through their heads that Clinton's failure was not merely his sexual predations. We're talking about subornation of perjury, witness tampering, rape, and treason - just to hit the high spots

    I note that when the topic comes up, nearly every one of the Clinton bashers point--as you did here--to Clinton's indiscretion with "that woman Monica Lewinsky" while categorically ignoring every single one of his great accomplishments.

    Just curious... what is your opinion of JFK?

  • Trauma_Hound

    "Trauma Hound - You represent yourself with a picture like that and still have the balls to call someone else an idiot? "

    LOL, and the only thing you can come up with Francois is a personal attack on my picture?

  • LDH

    Of course, it's totally acceptable for Dick Cheney to refuse to discuss allegations of insider trading. And Dubyah is "above questioning."


    I wouldn't let either of those dudes use a cigar on me, even if it was a Cohiba. It'd go limp halfway through.

    Face it. Willy wasn't that slick cause he actually got caught at some of the shit he did. I'm WAAAAYYYY more scared of the politicians who have never been caught doing ANYTHING wrong. Catch my drift?


    Wired In Class

  • LB

    You need to rethink that unemployment angle. When you are out of work over 18 months you no longer are counted as unemployed since you no longer qualify for unemployment insurance. Trust me, things didn't get better.

  • JT

    I wonder how it feels to be Ross Perot and know that you are single-handedly responsible for foisting on the American people a president who would sell out his country's nuclear security to the Chicoms for re-election funds?

    I'm a little fuzzy on the numbers, but only 43% of the electorate voted in the first go-round; thus Clinton was elected by 25% of 43% of the electorate. What a landslide! And if Perot's 19 million votes in the first election were added back in, the country and the world would have been spared the abject humiliation of having that smug clown as the leader of the free world.

    I have never understood why so many folks think that this is only a 2 party country- ROSS didn't throw the election - Bush just didnt' have a message that appealed to folks, if 50 folks ran and the had not message of appeal the guy who did still could get 99% of the votes- so Ross didn't throw the election Bush just didn't have any appeal, esp when you consider that he was in the white house for 8yrs with reagan, 4 by himself we are are talking 12yrs.

    so if so no name guy called clinton and some big ear guy called ross could take that many votes away he was only running on air anyway.

    only the person who runs is the reason he or she loses, bad message = few votes for you just that plain and simple

  • Francois

    TJ, I didn't mention Monical Lewinsky. You did. By implication. I'm saying that Clinton supporters seem to insist that all Clinton did was lie about cheating. That's not it at all. I'm saying that he suborned perjury, took campaign cash from the Chicoms in return for their receiving nuclear secrets from the US, that he is guilty as well of rape and treason. It's you who concentrate on Lewinsky, not me. And you refuse to see all these other things he did.

    JFK? If JFK were alive today, he'd be considered a Republican. He lowered taxes and government revenues WENT UP. And liberals despise and deny that this actually happened and every attempt to make our tax laws more fair are resisted by the left with the same, tired, old refrain, "It's a tax cut for the rich." Kennedy also famously said, "Who gives a shit if the minimum wage is raised a quarter?" Liberals make of Kennedy a God, but his actual politics do not fit with what is called liberalism today. Regan lowered taxes and guess what? Government revenues WENT UP again, just like they did in Kennedy's time. And liberals continue to deny it, or at least refuse to believe it. It doesn't fit in with their essentially Marxist viewpoint and outlook. Face it - Liberalism is a total failure. Socialism has failed everywhere it's been tried on this planet. It does not work to treat people as just members of a great heaving mass, forgetting the individual and his or her dreams and desires and aspirations. As an ex-JW you should know that.

    TH - Your remarks got just the response they deserved.


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