Grand Challenge

by Know_You 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Know_You

    It is clear that the evolutionist is so tied to his religion that he cannot think objectively - so here I issue a challenge of a general nature. Let us develop a focussed discussion in which we agree ahead of time which sub-topic of this noxious subject we address first.

    I will take the liberty of suggesting the following:

    Given the almost inevitable and immediate degeneration that debates about Creation and Evolution seem to descend into, how about we address the sociological aspects first - to clear the ground, as it were: how would you feel (whether Creationist or apostate evolutionist dog) if incontravertible evidence emerged that the "other" side was actually right? Evolutionists - honest replies only, that is if you have an honest bone in your bodies. Creationists, naturally your replies will be honest and as pure as the driven snow. In a pistachio nutshell (we are in the Golden State after all) would you feel and react?

    LOL - let's see how these atheistic dogs yelp and howl now that they have been called out!


    Edited by - Know_You on 20 October 2002 21:52:30

  • Perry

    I think your pistachio just slid off your nut-shell.

  • TD

    Nothing would make me happier than the existence of some solid empirical evidence that there actually exists, in the words of James Russell Lowell the "great all-father who cares for us here below."

  • larc

    Know You, I am glad that you laid down the gantlet. As the finest Christian in the state of Ohio, I read your challenge with a smirk on my face. These evolutionistic dogs just do not stand a chance, when you unleash the torrent of truth from your tongue. Oh, how they will wither, wimper, and whine in the face of your facile facts, and well founded formulas. You truely carry the torch of truth tellers.

  • wasasister

    Wasasister---> issues Larc a fine for profuse alliteration and revokes his poetic license.

  • Know_You


    I am still singularly stupified by your daringly deadly description of the colored collar of calumny that would engorge my turgid and tumescent tour de force. Distraction of your decadent derisible desires towards anyone but your magnificent master - no matter how innocenly inclined - leads to a great swarming of sedulous sentiments in my burning bosom of burnished brass. Cease, damn dastardly wicked woman and cleave closely to the one who whets with whabandon your womanly wappetite and bring your friends!


    Edited by - Know_You on 20 October 2002 22:43:59

  • Jesus Christ
    Jesus Christ

    Didn't read anything posted on this thread and never do bother reading anything by this person.

    Hey everyone, just remember that the more you reply to this guy the more he gets off on it. If you give him the attention he deserves, which is none, then I very seriously doubt that he will continue to come spew his rantings here. Its obvious that he's desperate for attention. Don't encourage him by doing what he wants. Just because he likes flinging his poo everywhere doesn't mean that you have to pick it up and fling it back.

    Edited by - Jesus Christ on 20 October 2002 22:49:40

  • PopeOfEruke
    Wasasister---> issues Larc a fine for profuse alliteration

    Was, pots and kettles not withstanding?

    About the Grand Challenge, if my side was proved wrong and the other side was proved right, how would I react?

    Well, basing my response on a similar situation where my wife and I takes different sides of an argument, and in the end I am proved correct and she is proved wrong, I have no idea as this event has never occurred.

    However, where I am proved wrong and she is proved right, which happens in 100% of all cases of disagreement, I would then apologise profusely, buy flowers and chocolates, and meekly accept reminders of my mistake at least once a day for the next 20 or 30 years.


  • RedhorseWoman

    MY side is NEVER wrong....whichever side that might be, and even more so if I change sides....which could happen if I deem it to be wise and just and profitable for me.

    BTW, larc, the word is "gauntlet". Additionally, you are NOT the finest Christian in Ohio. We all know that you're married, and obviously your lovely wife MUST be the finest Christian in Ohio, since she deals with you on a day-to-day basis. Therefore, at best, you are the second finest Christian in Ohio.....which, as we all know, isn't saying a heck of a lot. But then, I'm teetering on the edge here myself.

  • larc

    Hey Red, I stand here looking my feet and feeling very meek and humble. Me mispelled a word, and me forgot that my wife, old what's her name, is the best Christian in Ohio, but hey, I am number two out of millions here. I wonder if Ohio magazine would like to write an article about the two best Christians in Ohio?

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