Angry Kids

by LongHauler 21 Replies latest social family

  • LDH


    I, too, have a question. Since when did the "Great Eddie Rabbit" become the "Late Great Eddie Rabbit?"

    Wasn't he married to Crystal "Don't it make my brown eyes blue?" Gayle?

    To answer your real question, anger is a normal part of healing. If you find yourself getting stuck there, however, I would suggest you continue your counseling.

    Some days you will be fine, others not so much. The bad days will lessen greatly with time. But, it is not possible to forget or 'block' everything. And I don't think that would be the right thing to do anyway. You seem like a great person who did just fine once you left the cult.


  • czarofmischief

    So I'm a recent deportee from the parental unit.

    NO resentment, only love. They raised me with discipline and caring and when I was old enough to live my own life, they respected my right to make my own decisions and they have never shunned me the way the Phwuknads in Brooklyn wanted them to.

    They taught me to forgive, and the way my dad mellowed over the years taught me that all things change, including our viewpoints. He used to be ultra-elder, on HLC's and stuff, but now he is a tired, depressed old man who knows the truth about the org, but he just stays in for the company. Ah, I love the guy.


  • joannadandy

    I can't fault my parents for being dubs. Hell I can't fault anyone for being a dub. They talk a good game. Peace love enlightenment happy happy joy joy live forever! PET A TIGER! People who are in need of spirituality will often to turn to religion. It just so happens my parents chose one that was not mainstream and made things tough for me. But not impossible. I did not have a horrid childhood. I missed out on Christmas. Big deal. I get to experience it now. My life did not end. I will even say I had quite a few people who supported me growing up and who were true friends to me who were dubs. There was a sense of community there that I think is important. True I learned later what a fucked up community it was, but as a child it gave the illusion of love and support which was all I needed at the time. My needs changed. That's not my parents fault. Nor is it their fault that their needs have not outgrown the JW faith.

    My parents can be very loving and supportive. They have handled my leaving AMAZINGLY! They are very level headed as far as dubs go. For that reason I hold out a small hope they might leave themselves.

    I can resent my parents for lots of things, but not for being dubs. I can perhaps be a miffed at them for forcing me to share their beliefs, but again, I am not sure I can even do that. They are just doing what they think is right. They have my best interests at heart and they really believe I am going to die in Armagedon. They have valid reason in their minds to want me to remain a witness.

  • LongHauler

    I don't think the inital anger I felt would have bothered me quite as bad if I had known then that I would someday be able to address it and start to move on. Despite the fact that I don't really believe anyone can fault a JW child for some level of anger or hurt, I really was fearfull that it would keep me from ever having any kind of relationship with my parents. I just hope that in the off chance that I someday find a woman I am willing to procreate with that I can keep the cult out of thier life without subjecting them to the same kind of isolation from family that my folks tried whipping on me.

  • wildfire

    hi LONGHAULER......GLAD TO HAVE YOU ABOARD....I AM A NEWBIE HERE AND JUST LOVING EVERYMINUTE OF THE CHANCE I GET TO SPOUT OFF OR VENT.... HELL AND IT IS CHEAPER THAN A SHRINK ( but i see one of those also) I was not raised a witness. became one at 18,,,,my first husband convinced me this was the trooth... but funny thing he never became a witness ha he just loved having a SUBMISSIVE WIFE until .... i caught him messin around and well then i remarried a nother LOser for lack of a better term but this guy was drum roll please???????????==========annointed one.... yes at the ripe ole age of 23..... and we had 3 kids and there is a whole lot in between..... but out of 5 kids only my baby of 16 is a witness and i am trying my best to leave Dodge as they say.... i am working on it...... as we speak,,,,,,,so i know what i did to my kids but it is all i knew ,,, it all sounded tooo good to be true and damit now dont we know now if it SOUNDS TOOOOO GOOOD TO BE TRUE ...... IT PROBABLY IS HAHAHAAH SO HANG IN THERE AND VISIT FOR A SPELL ...... AHAHAHHHA

  • garybuss

    For a victim of abuse, I think there is a point in the recovery process when the victim feels the time has come to confront his/her abuser. Many of our abusers were parents. Often when that door of confrontation is opened and the parent sees what is coming, there is an offensive attack in defence.

    My parents were abusive by physical abuse or indifference to physical abuse, as well as abusive verbally, and negligent both physically and mentally.

    I judge my parents by how they treat me now and how they treat people important to me. Until they change, they fail to meet my minimum standards for association.


    The Way I See it
  • LoneWolf

    Thanks for the answer. Next time you're out this way give me a hollar. Maybe we can have a lunch together or something.

    I live on I-5 just south of Eugene (Cottage Grove). My email is open, or if you're taking notes , my phone is (541) 946-1231.


  • liljwgirl

    Hey everyone,

    I am a almost 17 yr. old Jehovah Witness. I have no anger towards my parents. I love being a Jehovah witness. And we are not a cult at all, despite what some might say. Besides, we have no hard feelings towards those who don't agree with us.. Everyone is allowed to be opinionated.. My brother was disfellowshiped, when he was 18... That was 11 yrs ago..him and my family still talk.. I don't see why you all think we are all that bad...Some people take actions to make us look bad, but just because of what they have done, doesn't make us all that way..


  • Matty

    liljwgirl, welcome to the forum. Of course Jehovah's Witnesses aren't all bad people, the vast majority of the brothers and sisters in my congregation are very good people, that really goes without saying. You will actually find that so called "worldly" people are generally good as well, but just being generally good does not identify the true religion, if such a one exists. There has to be hard evidence of Gods spirit and his direction in all aspects of the religion for it to be identified as such.

    Like you I am presently a Witness, but not for much longer. Why? Well, when I was your age I would have said exactly the same thing as you just said. In fact at the beginning of this very year I would have said this too. Bill Bowen (Silentlambs) has always stated that Jehovah's Witnesses are "good people as a religion", but "they are seriously misinformed". We have been seriously misinformed.

    What changed my attitude personally for me for me was the realisation that bodies of Elders are not spirit appointed or directed as I was always led to believe. "The truth will out" I always thought, "The congregation is to be kept clean; Jehovah will see to it". Sadly, there is firm evidence of continuing corruption within the congregations and bodies of Elders, I've actually seen it myself personally. The way that Jehovah does nothing to keep "his" congregation clean is evidence that he just isn't there in the first place. If he isn't allowing his spirit to intervene in all the cases of child abuse that are occurring within the congregations, how can the Witnesses say that they represent him? Jesus said that "By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another". That is the acid test. How is this scripture being fulfilled by the way that our children are being treated in the congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses? Molly, you obviously have wonderful parents, but unfortunately some of us aren't quite so lucky.

    All children are very precious, but the "wait on Jehovah" hot air doesn't cut much ice when children are being abused over long periods of time with absolutely no hope of justice for them, and no support or sympathy for them from bodies of Elders, the so called spirit-directed men.

    Its happening. You can't pretend it isn't.

  • derrickb007

    I have to agree with you matty. In regards to liljwgirl, sometimes when the realization that the Society really isn't the channel used by god, as we've been taught to believe, some can get a little bitter, and it shows in their speech and writings. Sometimes it just takes a little time for them to cool off and get on to the right track and frame of mind. Remember, we must serve God as ruler rather than man, and if the Society strays from Jehovah's will well .........

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