Some fundamentalists believe Halloween is the Devil's holiday.So are you doing anything on Halloween?
Will You Celebrate Halloween This Year?
by minimus 55 Replies latest jw friends
Dizzy Cat
What is there to celebrate ?
Hi Minimus,
Yes I will be celebrating Halloween. I plan to have a huge pumpkin in the window of my new house! The first one I will have been allowed to have.
I'm also meeting up with my local pagan group for Samhain (Halloween) aswell. Should be great!
What are your plans?
HALLOWEEN is MAMIE kittys b/d and since this is a free country the good ole USA we will be having a small family party queenie and crew!
I'm not sure... I checked out the Landover Baptist Web Site for information on 'How to Be a Holy-Weener' since I'm afraid I'll go to Hell. I think I might send this info to my JW parents so that they can celebrate!
Edited by - reagan_oconnor on 22 October 2002 11:37:11
Yes, we will be celebrating this year.
My daughter got the cutest costume. She is going to the a McDonald's Chocolate Milkshake. She's really excited. I think halloween is really for the kids. I am not really into that holiday. And, it has nothing to do with the JW stuff. I remember getting sacks and sacks of candy when I was a kid. We used to come home and empty the sack(we used pillowcases-they were big and held alot of loot!) and go out for more. Never bought store costumes, always made our own. I hated it when they would give us apples instead of candy. Apples, yuck, you've got to be kidding! Threw them out!
Happy Halloween,
Mrs. Shakita
Halloween was deemed "Satanic" by early "christian" conquerers, forcing the pagan peoples to convert....this festival was originally to commemorate their ancestors. The belief was that once a year, during the full moon of Samhain, one could remember and celebrate all the wonderful teachings, customs, and wisdom left by one's elders who passed on. So knowing that.....of course I'm celebrating Halloween.........rocky220
elders who passed on
Dead P.O.? Or just lowly congregation elders? Now that's what I call a celebration!
i think we will somewhat, our boys are older so they are not into costumes. our 14 year old has his birthday that day so we will be doing a bit of that also. I do have pumpkins for outside decorations but would rather make a pie out of it, you know all that beta carotene, and I'll burn a candle in a little metal jack-o-latern instead. While we won't have much traffic, we have the cutest little neighbors and I plan on getting them something special, the rest of the chocolate is mine
jj I like that jumpin skeleton.
To he honest, Halloween is the only holiday that I still don't celebrate. It's just a personal opinion. I just don't like witches or ghosts or goblins etc. LOL. I don't mind if others have it, I just can't find any good from it though. I buy my kids candy all of the time and they can dress up in costumes anytime and be silly. There are a lot of churches that have a sort of fall thing with a campfire and fellowship and I prefer that instead.